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We had to go through four security gates before the mansion came into view. I was so excited to see Pam and Greg again. Logan opened Jack and I's door for us and I climbed out. I straightened my outfit out before making my way to the door with the boys. 

"Logan, how are you today?" One of the guards outside asked him as we passed.

"I'm doing great today Luke. How about yourself?" Logan asked.

"Great as well. Enjoy your visit." Luke nodded. We finally made it to the door and Logan knocked. I glanced around in awe. I had never been to the werewolf palace, castle thingy before.

"It's a castle." Daniel whispered in my ear from behind. I turned and glared at him. Now that the boys had all marked me, they could all read my thoughts.

"Logan! Boys! Cassidy!" Pam greeted shortly after opening the door. She immediately pulled Logan into a hug.

"Its so nice to see you again Pam." I smiled as I made my way into the castle. 

"Honey, it is nice to see you again too. How have you been?" She asked, pulling me into a quick hug.

"Oh you know, trying to keep my sanity in a house full of boys." I joked.

"You know you love us." Zach smiled, joining our conversation. I smiled back at him before returning my focus back on Pam. 

"How have you been doing?" I asked her as I heard the other boys greet Greg behind us.

"I've been great! Sometimes things can get kind of boring around here. I'm glad you all where able to come over." She smiled again before I felt an arm sling over my shoulder.

"Firecracker!" Greg spoke excitedly from beside me. When he and Pam stayed at our house for a few weeks, I wasn't in the best mood everyday. Greg started calling me firecracker for my anger.

"Well, it is in my blood." I referenced myself being a witherin. 

"Hm,  good point." He stated. We all began making our way to the dining room. 

"This place is beautiful." I gasped in amazement.

"Thank you." Pam gleamed at me.

"Did you grow up here?" I asked Logan.

"I did, I remember getting lost so many times." Logan chuckled. Suddenly there was a loud crash from the front door.

"Guess who's back?" A familiar voice boomed, coming closer to us. Seconds later, Jake appeared in the hallway by himself.

"Jakey!" Pam exclaimed, running over to hug him. 

"Jakey?" I raised an eyebrow at Jake as he and his mom broke apart from their hug. 

"Shut up Cassandra." He glared at me, coming to hug me.

"Broooo" Logan trailed as he did that weird hug thing guys do. Jake then went down the line of Why Don't We boys, fist bumping each one. 

"My whole family is here!" Pam exclaimed, clapping her hands together. 

"What are we waiting for? Lets eat!" Greg said. We all sat around the long, dining room table and workers brought our food out to us. Greg blessed the meal before we began eating.

"You're telling me you've never had Pecan Pie?" Jake questioned, shocked when I asked if it was even a thing.

"No, is it good?" I asked.

"Is that even a question?" He returned.

"Try some." Pam suggested, putting a slice on my plate. I agreed and used my fork to put some in my mouth. I swallowed and instantly scrunched my nose.

"Do you like it?" Jake eagerly questioned. I began to feel a tingly sensation at the back of my throat.

"Is this stuff supposed to make your throat tingly?" I asked, my voice somewhat raspy. Everyones face grew a mix between shocked and worried.

"Get the pack doctor." Pam instructed Greg. He rushed off down the hall. Jonah came forward to me. I raised my eyebrows at him as the sensation began to spread up my throat, causing me to cough. Jonah began to pat my back.

"What is happening?" I questioned between coughs.

"You're having an allergic reaction. The doctor will be here any second to fix it." He stated as calmly as possible. I continued to cough as the situation grew and grew. Moments later, it felt as if my throat was closing. I began wheezing, trying to get air. The room began to spin and my vision faded. The only sounds I could hear where the ones of my wheezing. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my thigh. Then, everything began clearing up. I felt hands holding me up. My vision became clearer. I looked around to see everyone crowding me. An older lady sat to my left,  holding a needle. 

"We need to get her to my office." She spoke. I was then lifted up off the ground by Corbyn, who held me close to his chest. I allowed tears to escape my eyes, as we rushed down the hallway. 

"You are going to be ok." Corbyn whispered in my ear. He rubbed my back in an effort to comfort me. I was still coughing often due to the never ending tingle sensation in my throat.

"Cass, I'm so glad you are ok." Jack stated as he took me from Corbyns hold. I cried into his shoulder as we continued to rush towards the doctors office.

"Here." She stated, opening a door. I picked my head up off of Jacks shoulder to glance around the room. It was plain and white. There was a little bed thingy in the corner. There was also a counter against the wall. It had a sink as well as various medical supplies on it. Jack sat on top of the bed with me still in his lap. Corbyn sat down beside us.

"Shh, relax." Jack cooed in my ear as he gently pushed my head back on his shoulder. I coughed again before closing my eyes. I felt Corbyn rub my back as Jack played with my hair.

"I'll need to give her this pill to stop the tingling." The doctor announced. 

"Cass, sit up." Jack instructed. I did as he said and he handed me a cup of water and a small pill.  I quickly swallowed the pill and laid my head back on his shoulder. The tingling soon ceased to a stop and I quit coughing.

"So, she ate a piece of pecan pie before this occurred?" The doctor asked, picking up a clip board and pen. 

"Yes m'am." Jonah answered. She nodded and wrote something down.

"Judging by her reaction, I believe it is safe to say she is allergic to pecans. I recommend you get her allergy tested as soon as possible." She suggested. 

"Would you be able to do that for us tomorrow?" Jonah asked the doctor.

"Of course, she has had a rough day today." She answered.

"How about you let her get some rest in one of our guest rooms." I heard Pam suggest. I felt Jack nod as he got up, still carrying me. 

"You want to go to sleep?" He asked me. I lightly nodded my head as Pam showed us to a room I could sleep in.

"I'm going to stay with you." Jack informed me after Pam left the guest room. I once again nodded my head as he laid me down on the bed. I instantly gave into the darkness, falling into a deep sleep.




I'm allergic to nuts and coconut. Epipen to the rescue! Thank y'all for reading! Also, updates are going to be very spotty in the future. I am currently extremely busy with my classes (exams soon) and the Christmas season. Have a great day <3 -Ivey

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