Cookie Dough

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Cassidys POV

My heart was overfilled with joy. I was finally reunited with my real parents after years of believing they where dead. After spending a long time talking with them, I went to the kitchen to grab a snack. Jonah and Jack have been sneaking off to Jonahs office a lot today. I guess Jonah has a been organizing Logan and his family coming over. Wait, isn't Logans family royalty? I'm going to meet the queen and king of werewolves. Well, that is interesting. Three months ago I never thought I would be here.
After I cut up an apple and put it in a bowl, I made my way back to the living room. When I entered the room everyone was silent. All of the boys where bowed down, facing the front door. I looked at them awkardly, wondering what on earth was happening. When my eyes wandered to the front door, I saw Logan with several other people who looked similar to him. I flashed Logan a confused look and he pointed to the ground. I guess I was supposed to do what the boys where doing. I bowed down and remained silent. About a minute later, the man at the door cleared his throat.

"Thank you." His low voice boomed. Everyone around me began to get up so I did as well.

"Sir Paul, it is a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for coming to our home on such short notice. I must apologize for Cassidy, she is not of our kind." Jonah greeted Logans father by shaking his hand.

"It is totally fine Alpha Jonah, I understand. Thank you for warning us of the possible danger to our family." Logans dad shook Jonahs hand. I stared at them, my body didn't know how to feel. There was also a boy with them, he looked about a year or two younger than Logan. As well as an older woman, she had the same blonde hair as Logan and the other boy.

"A witherin. I must say, I'm impressed. I was led to believe the species was long gone." The lady spoke, motioning to me. I opened my mouth but no words came out. How did she know I was a witherin?

"Family, this is Cassidy. She is the boys mate. These, are her parents and her brothers." Logan pointed to me, then my family behind me.

"I am so sorry for what my son was forced to do. I hope you can understand what he was going through. I am so sorry for whatever damage it did to your family." Logans mom rushed as she stepped forward. I glanced behind me at my mom and dad.

"I understand. Werewolves can be killed, on the other hand, we are still standing here today." My mother smiled. I was happy that she wasn't holding a grudge. Meanwhile, I was still frozen in my spot. I flashed Jack a nervous glance. He came to my side and snaked his arm around my waist.

"Are you ok?" He whispered in my ear.

"I don't know." I replied. He picked me up bridal style.

"I'm going to take her to get a snack." He informed Jonah as we walked past him. Once we reached the kitchen he sat me on top of the counter.

"What happened back there?" He asked, placing both of his hands on my knees.

"I don't know. After I got up from bowing, it felt like I couldn't move my legs. I couldn't talk either. I feel like I'm going to be sick." I stated as I grabbed my stomach with my hand.

"Could you be having cramps?" Jack asked as he rubbed circles on my knees.

"I haven't had that in about two years. I didn't get to eat much where I was before this." I replied.

"Could it be coming back?" He questioned. I just shrugged in response.

"Well, do you want me to go to the store just in case?" He offered. Gosh, this man is the sweetest.

"Get me some cookie dough while you're gone." I smiled at him. He lifted me off the counter and we walked back to where everyone was.

"Daniel and I are going to the store, anyone need anything?" Jack asked as Daniel flashed him a confused look. No one answered him so he yanked Daniels arm as they went outside.

"What was that all about?" Corbyn asked, raising an eyebrow at me. At this point, it was just me, Corbyn, Jonah, and Zach in the living room sense everyone else was shown to their rooms.

"I... needed a few things from the store?" I said, sounding very unsure of myself.

"Is that so?" Jonah asked, crossing his arms.

"Do you want me to tell the whole world I need a box of tampons?!?" I yelled at them.

"Oh." Was all the boys could say. I just turned my attention back to my game of Fruit Ninja on my phone.

"I'm sorry Cass, I didn't know." Jonah apologized.

"Yeah yeah, it's whatever." I responded.

"Lets watch a movie." Corbyn spoke up after a few minutes.

"Ok, I wanna pick it though." I stated.

"I'll go make the popcorn." Zach got off of the couch and made his way to the living room.

"I'll go get the blankets." Corbyn stated as he got off of the couch. Jonah helped me with the remote and eventually we had Netflix pulled up. Corbyn came back with four blankets right before Zach came in the living room with two bowls of popcorn. After we got situated I pulled up Highschool Musical One.

"No, Cassidy." Zach protested as I hit play. I ignored his pleas for us to watch another movie and began singing along to the first song. We where having a dance party when someone walked in.

"Woah, y'all look like you're having fun." Logan laughed at us. He stood in the doorway with his brother.

"Children, this is my younger brother Jake. Jake, this is Cassidy, Jonah, Zach, and Corbyn." Logan introduced as he and Jake sat on the couch. Logan reached over and took Jonah and I's bowl of popcorn.

"Hey, if you want your own popcorn, you know where the microwave is." I told him as I snatched the bowl back from him and sat in my seat.

"Fine then, I'll be back." Logan sassed as he got up.

"What are we watching?" Jake asked.

"Highschool musical." I smiled.

"It was her choice!" Zach yelled.

"Don't mess with me, Herron." I retorted, that shut him up. You don't want to bother me while I'm moody.

"Hey guys, we're- what are y'all watching?" Jack asked, coming through the front door.

"Has anyone in this house ever heard of Highschool Musical?!?" I yelled.

"Oooo, I wanna watch!" Daniel beamed as he sat next to me on the couch.

"The ladys cookie dough." Jack spoke with a British accent as he placed my tub of cookie dough in my lap.

"Can I have a glass of milk?" I asked.

"Anything for my princess." He smiled at me before kissing my forehead and going to the kitchen.

"I think that was the cutest thing I've seen all year." Jake joked as he wiped away fake tears.

"Get used to it." Logan informed Jake as he sat back down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn.




I didn't want to make Jake evil like most Fanfics do. Yes, Jake is not my favorite person. That doesn't mean I want to make him the villain of my story. I hope y'all enjoyed! Have a great day :) -Ivey <3

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