Get Roasted

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"How bad is it?" I asked nervously, peering at Jack through the window of the hospital door.

"Two broken ribs, minor concussion, and lots of bruises." Daniel answered sorrowfully. He snaked his arm around my waist and began to place small kisses all over my head. When we rescued Jack, the first place we took him was the King and Queens hospital. They did a few tests and scans, now he is resting in the room.  The nurses advised us to stay out here, he needs rest and it will 'be easier'. All I want is to hug my precious mate. It's stressful not being able to be with him.

"Lets go get some food." Zach suggests. Jealous of Daniel for being so close.

"Cass and I can stay here if y'all wanna bring something back." Daniel stated, poking at Zach's nerves.

"I think you guys should go with them, I'll stay here." Logan offered.

"As much as I love Jack, I could use a change of scenery." I admitted, beginning to walk away from Daniel towards the hospital exit. I heard Daniel sigh from behind me and a few excited noises escape the boys mouths.

"Where too?" Jonah asked after we had all settled down in the car. Jonah was driving and the boys so graciously offered me shotgun... I wish. In this family we have a first come first serve rule. So, it is practically World War 3 every time we ride in the car.

"Do I even have to say it? I know you are already going there." I chuckled.

"What if we went to Taco Bell for a change? We've been to Chipotle the last 7 times we went out." Corbyn stated.

"Who's driving? You can exit the car if you please." Jonah sassily replied.

"I call driving next time!" Zach exclaims.

"NO!" We all yelled at him.

"It's not like I'm gonna kill everyone." Zach stated, putting his hands up.

"Tell that to the DMV in a year." Jonah replied, packing sass into his comment once again.

"Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? You're worse than Cass on her period." Corbyn asked Jonah, earning a slap on the shoulder from me.

"Did you forget what store you buy you're clothes from? I think you went into the children's store." I fired back, not actually meaning it.

"Oh please, my outfit is so fire the neighbors called the fire department four times last week." Corbyn retaliated.

"Cornbyn sweetie, if you where on fire the only result would be burned popcorn." I stated with a smirk. The boys went nuts.

"Your outfit definitely didn't light you on fire, Cassidy's roasts did." Zach exclaimed between laughs. By the time we reached Chipotle, everyone was crying from laughing so hard.


"Jack!" I screeched, bursting through the door of his room and to his bedside. Jack chuckled as I bound over to him.

"I would hug the crap out of you but I don't want to give you another broken rib." I joked, kissing his face.

"You know I love you." He smiled, bringing his lips to mine.

"Corbyn and I had this epic roast battle while we where in the car and Daniel put it on his Insta story!" I informed excitedly as we separated.

"Show me! Show me! Show me!" Jack pleaded like a little kid. I chuckled at his actions and reached for my phone.

"No one can beat Queen Cassidy in a roast battle." Jack admitted, chuckling slightly after watching the video.

"You know it." I smiled innocently at him.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting anything, but Jack is free to go." A nurse walked in, holding a clip board.

"Thank you." I beamed at her before she walked out again. Seconds later the boys entered the small room, causing it to become very full, very quickly.

"Lets get you home dude." Corbyn suggested, walking over to Jack.




Short chapter :( two days until I'm on break! Thank y'all for reading :) Have a great day. -Ivey

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