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A/N: I published the first chapter of a new book! I would appreciate it if y'all would check it out that would make me a very happy person :) Thanks fro reading, have a great day! <3

"When will they be here?" I exclaimed, running down the hall towards where I knew I would find the boys. I skidded to a stop at the end of the hall, almost falling down in my socks.

"Woah there Cass, slow your roll." Daniel calmed.

"Yeah, It's eight in the morning." Zach commented from the kitchen counter before taking a sip of his orange juice.

"But my brothers are coming and I haven't seen them in so long!" I exclaimed, jumping around and waving my arms like a crazy person.

"What type of drugs are you taking?" Jonah asked me.

"If I told you, you might arrest me." I shrugged casually, making my way to the fridge.

"I think Jack could use some of those." Corbyn whispered in my ear, motioning to an angry Jack on the couch. The boys all erupted into laughter, except Jack. I forget they have that heightened hearing thing.

"For your information, I'm grumpy because the people I live with won't stop insulting me about my hair." Jack fussed, pointing to the noodles on top of his head.

"Poor baby, do you need me to go to the store and get you some tampons?" I asked him jokingly.

"Hey! I thought you didn't like when we made jokes like that." Daniel frowned.

"I don't like when you make jokes like that." I stated, pointing at each of them. "I'm a girl, I know the pain." I slightly frowned.

"My wallet knows the pain. I buy you so much food when that happens." Jonah chuckled.

"Oh shut up, when will my brothers be here?" I asked, changing the subject.

"9."Corbyn informed, looking at his watch.

"I'm so excited!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands together.

"I can tell." Corbyn chuckled as I ran back to my room to get ready. I showered, got dressed, then stood in front of my mirror and did my hair. I straightened it and threw it up into a ponytail to keep it out of the way. I peered at the clock on my phone to see it was 8:54. My brothers should be here soon! Suddenly I heard a crash from down the hall. 

"Get out bro!" Daniel yelled. I raced out of my room, presuming my brothers where here. Why would Daniel be telling them to get out?

"I know she's here!" A familiar voice roared.

"Leave!" I heard Jonah command just as I turned the corner. At the front door, a livid Jake Paul is being held back by Jack and Daniel. Jonah stands in front of him, I can't see his face. As Jake sees me, a low growl erupts from deep in his throat.Jonah turns to face me, before shouting orders at Zach and Corbyn behind him.

"Get her out of here!" He demands. Instantly, I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist, hoisting me into the air and over their shoulder. I stare in awe at the fuming Jake as I'm rushed away from the scene. 

"W-what's happening?" I question Zach in a hushed tone. He was following Jack as he carried me goodness knows where.

"Jake's been cursed." Zach answers, his face remains cold and numb.

"Why is he here?" I press.

"He wants you." Jack responded, no emotion in his statement.

"Why?" I continue to question as Jack opens the door to Jonahs office.

"Just wait. We'll explain when you are safe." Jack states as Zach begins to fiddle with the books in Jonahs bookshelf. 

"We're going to the panic room. You remember it, right?" Jack asks. I nod my head yes in reply. Jack continues to carry me down several flights of stairs, then down multiple winding hallways until we finally reach a door. Zach presses his thumb to the finger print scanner on the lock outside. A small beep comes from the machine before the door is unlocked. We enter the familiar room then Jack places me on a couch. Zach seats himself beside me and Jack crouches in front of me.

"Jake was cursed by a witch yesterday. She sent him after you. Logan told us yesterday afternoon. We expected Jake to come but not this soon. Logan is coming back from his trip tomorrow." Jack explains, picking his words carefully and saying them slowly.

"An evil psycho killer was coming after me, and no one told me?" I exclaimed, my voice laced with hurt and shock.

"It was Christmas Day. You haven't had a merry Christmas for years. There was no chance we where going to let him ruin it for you." Zach informed, offering me a reassuring smile. I placed my head in my hands, blocking out the light so I could properly process this information.

"Thank you." I muttered after thinking back to how much fun I had yesterday.

"He isn't going to hurt you. We are going to keep you safe." Jack stated, rubbing my knee. I lifted my head to look him dead in the eye.

"I don't care if I get hurt. I don't want any of you to get hurt. You all mean so much to me. I couldn't bear the pain of not being able to see one of your smiling faces one day." I made eye contact with Zach as well, letting them know how truthful I was being.

"You know we do our very best." Jack reassures, placing a kiss on my forehead.

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