What Did I Just Do?

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Corbyns P.O.V

       Cassidy is a writherin. She can do so many things, she has so many powers. A lot of them can be very harmful. Nobody knows what all she can do. There are only two known to the supernatural world and they died years ago, no one knew they had a daughter. When Cassidy told us her birth parents names she said the names of the last two writherin. If both of her parents where writherin then she had to be one too. We where shocked when she told us this. So, when she asked if something was wrong we had to lie. How are you supposed to tell someone who barely knows anything about werewolves that they are a writherin? She doesn't even know she exists. This is going to be rough.

Cassidys P.O.V

       Today was a lazy day. I was sitting on the couch watching cooking shows on Netflix while the boys where upstairs doing whatever they do. All of a sudden the front door busted open. I snapped my head to the door and saw a group of 4 or so men coming towards me. They did not look nice whatsoever. I was so scared and shocked I didn't know what to do. The boys rushed down the stairs and two of the men picked me up off the couch. I screamed extremely loud, with so much force and power. I was not being taken again. As I screamed the men holding me fell to the floor causing me to fall on top of them. I scrambled to my feet and frantically looked around the room, confused and scared. The boys had their hands over their ears, their faces where shocked. The other two men where also on the floor. Let me just say, no ones neck should be bent like theirs where. I looked at my hands confused, then back at the men on the ground. What did I just do? I just killed these four men. Oh. My. Gosh. I just killed four people. How? I am a killer. I am even worse than them! What am I? Before I could think for another second my feet dashed towards the door and out of the house. It was like I couldn't even control them. I was running so fast, I went down the drive way and turned down several streets. I occasionally glanced back to see if the boys where following me. Nothing. I guess I lost them with how fast I was running. I was so drained from whatever the heck I just did. It's like something  is taking over me. I have no clue what is happening. My brain is racked with questions.

"Cassidy, come back." Corbyns voice rang in my brain.


"You can't hurt us, we are your mates." Jack replied.

"I can't come back, I don't know what happened. It's like something took over me, I couldn't control myself." even though I was talking through my brain my voice was shaky.

"Hold yourself together. We are going to find you." Corbyn reassured.

"My feet are taking me somewhere. I can't control them. What is happening to me?" I questioned them.

"We are going to figure it out, don't worry. Describe your surroundings." Jacks voice was clam and soothing.

"I am on a street, there are stars on the ground. There are a lot of people and cars. It is really loud. My feet are taking me in a building. It looks like apartments or something. I don't want to be here! Please hurry!" I yelled at them.

"What is across from the apartments?" Corbyn questioned frantically.

"A hotel? I can't really tell. It has a big red 'W' on the front." I described as my feet walked into an elevator. My hand suddenly pressed on the top floor button.

"Im going to the top floor." I stated frantically. "Please hurry." I added.

"LOGANS! We need to hurry." Jack yelled frantically.

"Who the friker fracker is Logan and why is my body taking me to him?!?!" I asked, on the verge of tears.

"Cassidy, Logan is a friend of ours. When you get to his apartment tell him you are our mate. He won't hurt you. Just stay there, we are on our way." Corbyn says, as calmly as possible. My feet stepped out of the elevator and turned down several corridors. They stopped in front of a door. My hand knocked on the door, after a few seconds it opened. I unwillingly pushed past the small girl at the door and made my way into the apartment, ignoring her calls to stop.

"LOGAN!" My voice roared, except it wasn't my voice. What the heck? What is happening? 

"H-help!" My normal self managed to push out before the other thing inside of me took back over.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID!" The other voice roared. The Logan guy didn't seem phased at all.

"Hello again to you too. Why don't we do this in a formal way?" The blonde haired guy who I'm gonna take a wild guess and say is Logan suggested.

"HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO BE FORMAL AFTER WHAT YOU DID?" The voice in my questioned. It was filled with rage. I was terrified at the fact of what I could do.

"If you insist then we will do this your way." Logan said in a calm voice. He then sniffed the air.

"Who have you been hanging around? Your scent seems familiar." He questioned. My scent? Was he a wolf guy too? Before I could answer the front door busted open.

"CASSIDY!" Jonah yelled from the hallway.

"I DON"T KNOW WHO CASSIDY IS LEAVE ME ALONE AND LET ME KILL THIS M&M BRAIN!" The voice inside me roared. But I am Cassidy! What am I talking about? I'm so confused what is happening? Jonah began to slowly walk towards me. Then he wrapped his arms around me. Something in my body changed and I felt like I was myself again. I became overwhelmed with emotions and began to cry.

"Shh. It's ok Cass, I've got you." Jonah cooed while rubbing my back.

"W-what happened to me?" I choked out between sobs.

"I'm not totally sure but we will figure it out." Jonah reassured. 

"I may know the answer to your question." Logan piped up from behind me.




Oooooooooo! I just left y'all on a cliff hanger. I really need to do homework now so I think this may be the last update for today. Thank you guys for reading! It would be lit if y'all voted and followed me :) Shameless plug? I think so! Thank you for reading! Also, at this point I'm making all of this stuff up. So... I don't really know what I am doing. lol anyways I dragged Logan into the story! What do you guys think is happening to Cassidy? Guess you will find out later ;) -Ivey (1151 Words)

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