Horrible Dream

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"You are probably exhausted, do you want to take a nap in my room?" Jack spoke, his voice calm and slow. I simply nodded my head, avoiding eye contact.

"She can sleep in my room." Zach offered, coming out of nowhere.

"Will you stay with her? I don't really think she wants to be alone." Jack asked. Zach nodded his head and came towards me. He lifted me off of my feet bridal style and began walking up the stairs.

"You do know I can walk, right?" I managed to crack a smile while staring at him.

"I sure do. You know I care about you, right?" He asked. Way to change the mood Zach, that got really deep really quickly.

"I sure do." I mimicked. He smiled at me and I smiled back. We reached his room and he pulled back the covers, then placed me on then bed. He slipped in the bed beside me and covered us up with the covers. 

"Do you want to watch something?" He asked, handing me the remote to his TV. I nodded my head and began flipping through Netflix. I ended up picking Cupcake Wars.

"Are you trying to make me hungry?" Zach chuckled, making me laugh. These boys always know how to cheer me up. As the episode went on, my eye lids felt heavy and it was getting hard to keep them open.

"You can go to sleep, I'll be here." Zach whispered. I leaned my head on his chest and allowed my eyes to close.

I was running through the woods. Something was following me but I had no clue what it was. I was running faster than I ever had before, dodging trees and other things scattered across the forest floor.

"I'm going to catch you." The dark, venomous voice hissed from behind me. This just filled me with even more determination. I pushed myself to go faster and faster, ignoring my throbbing body, begging me to stop. "You know you're tired." He taunted me. "Give in, it's so easy." He stated from behind me. I shook my head and kept running. Don't let him get to you, don't let him get to you, don't let him get to you. It was beginning to get impossible for me to keep going, I had been running for so long. Suddenly I was tackled to the ground. An evil snickering came from whatever was on top of me. 

"You finally gave in." It chuckled.

"Leave me alone." I spat.

"Im afraid that won't be happening Cass." He sassed.

"Get off of me!" I yelled, struggling under his hold.

"Hush now child. You listen to me." He ordered.

"I will never listen to you! Now get off of me!" I screamed.

"Last time I checked, I don't take orders from you." He sneered back at me.

"You will regret this! They will find me and when they do-" He cut me off.

"They will kill me? I'd like to see them try." He stated in a sing-songy tone.

"You are evil!" I yelled.

"I aim to be." He snickered. "Now we need to get going." He stated, lifting me off the ground forcefully.

"I am not going with you!" I cried out.

"You don't have a choice." He explained. I turned around to stare at him in the eyes.

"Let. Me. Go!" I yelled with as much force as I could muster. Miraculously, the man holding me captive's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he fell to the forest floor, hitting his head on a rock. What have I done? Did I just kill a man? Again? I need to leave, I can't think about that right now. I allowed my instincts to lead me back the the Why Don't We house. I rushed there using the last of my energy. I finally made it through the woods to where the house was barely visible through the woods. I approached the house, immediately gaining a bad feeling in my stomach. There was a lump sticking out of the grass in the backyard. I made my way over to it out of curiosity. The sight made me nearly throw up. My poor baby Bean, torn into pieces. How? Why Bean? Who could do such a thing? Another, bigger lump stood out to me fairly close. I rushed to it only for my heart to shatter even more. Innocent Zach and innocent Jonah, lifeless. I don't think anyone has sobbed more than I am right now.

"No!" I yelled out. I can't lose them. I made my way around the yard, hoping somehow I would find Daniel and Jack, alive. There in the pool, Daniel floated at the top of the water. I sobbed even harder, if that was possible. This can't be happening. Where is Jack?

"Jack?" I yelled out. I heard a faint mumble close by. I searched around for the source of the sound, praying everything would be ok. There on the ground at the side of the house, Jack laid curled up in a ball. 

"Jack!" I cried out and sped over to him. I scooped him in my arms and held him close to me. "Jack, please don't go." I begged.

"I-i'm s-sorry." He mumbled, barely audible. Then his eyelids closed, as the life slipped out of him. I felt like I could barely breathe I was crying so hard. I need to find who did this. I want revenge and I want it now. After a few minutes I got up, going into the house to find any evidence of some sort. I was still sobbing as I walked through the back door. On the couches sat my worst nightmare, my "adoptive parents". 

"You!" I yelled, lunging towards them. Suddenly I was being shaken by an outside force. What is happening? I then opened my eyes, thank the Lord it was all a horrible dream.




Ooooo cliff hanger? Also, this chapter took me so ling to write because I kept getting distracted XD congrats Ivey. New chapter possibly tomorrow?  I have a ridiculous amount of homework so I can't promise anything. I hope y'all enjoyed two updates on the same day! Count it as my way of thanking you guys for 6K reads :) I love y'all! Have a great day -Ivey

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