I'm So Proud

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Cassidys P.O.V

After a few minutes the group hug slowly dissolved. We all sat on the couch and decided to play truth or dare. 

"Cassidy, truth or dare." Jack asked me, of course I had to be picked first.

"Truth." I said, not feeling very adventurous. Jack sat there and thought for a moment.

"Have you ever kissed anyone?" He asked.

"Yes but I wouldn't count it as a kiss." I began to think about all of the times John would kiss me after he had a little too much. I didn't love him, in fact I hated his very existence. 

"Oh, now it's your turn." He informed.

"Hm. Corbyn, truth or dare?" I thought for a moment.

"Dare." Corbyn stated, smiling mischievously.

"I dare you to go jump in the pool with all of your clothes on." I challenged after a few seconds of thought. Corbyn jumped out of his seat and began making his way outside.

"Easy!" He yelled on his way out. Soon after we heard a splash. Then, a very wet Corbyn stood at the glass door.

"Can I at least have a towel?" He complained.

"I don't know, may you?" Jonah joked.

"May I have a towel Mr. Jonah?" Corbyn yelled sarcastically. Jonah walked out of the room and returned with a towel, giving it to Corbyn. Corbyn rejoined us back on the couch.

"Zach, truth or dare?" Corbyn questioned, giving Zach a death glare.

"Dare." Zach replied, not very confident.

"I dare you to run up and down the street screaming, 'I love fluffy unicorns!', in the manliest voice possible. I also am going to insta story it." Corbyn dared, a smirk covered his face. We all got up to go outside. Zach did his dare and it was hilarious.

"Daniel, truth or dare?" Zach questioned once we all got back inside.

"Truth." Daniel looked nervous.

"When did you find out Santa wasn't real and how did you react?" Zach asked with a big grin on his face.

"Two seconds ago and I don't want to talk about it." Daniel replied fake crying. "Logan, truth or dare?" Daniel asked, his mood quickly changing. 

"Dare. That shouldn't even be a question." Logan stated matter-of-factly.

"I dare you to text your ex." Daniel challenged.

"Which one?" Logan asked, giving his signature smirk.

"Thats not something to be proud of." I stated. Logan just waved me off and began tapping away on his phone. I didn't really pay attention anymore after that. I began to feel very antsy and jumpy. Something was setting me off and I couldn't tell what it was. I began frantically looking around, searching for the source of the problem. Jack noticed my worried expression.

"You ok Cass?" He asked as I stood off the couch.

"N-no. Something is wrong." I stated. The boys all got up and surrounded me, sniffing the air. 

"Are you sure something is wrong?" Corbyn asked, not facing me.

"Yeah. I don't know what it is but it has me feeling antsy." I said. The boys stayed silent for a moment. 

"I don't smell anything in the air, whats going on?" Daniel questioned with a worried expression.

"We need to get her back to my apartment." Logan stated in a hurry. He began rushing to get the car keys. Suddenly I felt a loss of energy. My knees gave out, thankfully Jonah caught me before I fell.

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