More Than Just A Dream

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Jacks POV

I'm laying in this bed, but I can't sleep. There is way too much going on in my mind. 

What are you guys doing? I asked the pack through mind link.

Just talking with Logans family. Everything ok? Jonah was the first to respond.

I can't sleep. I stated.

Oh, do you want one of us to come over there for you? Zach asked.

Well I- I started.

I am actually super tired. Can we switched? Corbyn interrupted.

Yeah, come on over. I instructed. Seconds later, the door slowly slipped open, reveling the Bean. I gently got up and Corbyn slid himself in my place. As I left, I watched Corbyn pull Cassidy closer to him before he rested his eyes. I softly shut the door, not wanting to wake Cass. I used my smell to find where everyone else was. When I reached the large living room, everyone was dispersed across three couches. 

"Hey Jack." Daniel greeted as I came towards them. I simply nodded my head before joining Zach, Logan, and Daniel on a couch.

"Is she ok?" Jake asked, referring to Cassidy.

"She will be fine." I answered him, putting my head in my hands.

"You ok bud?" Logan asked, patting my back.

"I've just got a lot on my mind." I answered, turning to meet his gaze. 

"I think we all do." Zach stated.

"I'm going to go for a run." I announced, getting up from the couch.

"Be back soon." Greg instructed just before the front door closed behind me. I just need to clear my head.

Let me out. My wolf Zander commanded.

Geez give me a second to get in the woods. I sassed.

Hurry up. We haven't been on a run in ages. He ordered. As soon as I entered the trees and allowed myself to shift, immediately bounding through the forest.

Cassidys POV

                 I have no clue how I got here. Currently, my feet are planted in a small clearing surrounded by trees. I can hear something approaching me, it causes the earth to practically shake with its heavy steps. Moments later, a giant, dark grey wolf emerges from the trees. It's huge, almost bigger than I am. Its nose sticks up into the sky, intaking a large amount of air. While it does so, I glance around, trying to figure out where I am. Suddenly, a pair of glowing eyes sticks out to me. They are hiding behind the cover of the forest. The wolfs head snaps out of its daze and towards the eyes. The figure in possession of the eyes slowly makes its way into the clearing, earning a low growl from the wolf. A young man came out of the shadows. He has snow white hair and is only wearing basketball shorts. He holds another pair of shorts in his hand. As he approaches the wolf, the wolf steps back. Suddenly, other wolfs emerge from the forest and trap the first wolf from moving.

"Shift." The man commands, holding out shorts to the wolf. Hesitantly, the wolf crouches down, then turns into Jack. Jack?!? He's in trouble! I can't move my stupid feet to save him. Jack quickly takes the shorts and slips them on.

"Cole." Jack sneers. "What do you want with me?" He questions. The man who I'm assuming is Cole laughs evilly.

"I need you to come with me." He smirks.

"We both know I'm not going anywhere with you." Jack spat angrily.

"Now Jack, we both know I always get my way. Do I need to bring your precious mate into this?" Cole asked, emphasizing the word mate. 

"You. Wouldn't. Dare." Jack stated angrily, pausing between words.

"Watch me." Cole stated before lunging at Jack. I screamed, trying to save him. But I could only watch. There was nothing I could do. Cole tackled Jack, then hit him upside the head. I watched as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he lost consciousness. Then, the wolves around him shifted into men. Two of them picked Jack up and began carrying him off. Suddenly, I shot up, my eyes flinging open.

"Cass, are you ok?" Corbyn asked suddenly from beside me.

"Wheres Jack?" I asked breathlessly.

"He went to the living room with the others. I was tired and he wasn't." Corbyn stated. I shot out of the bed and rushed to the living room. As soon as it came into view I glanced around the couches, seeing everyone but Jack. My breath started to quicken as I searched for him. 

"Whats going on Cass?" Daniel asked, making his way over to me.

"Wheres Jack?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"He went for a run." Daniel stated, a confused expression across his face.

"No no no no no no no no no no..." I repeated, putting my head in my hands.

"Cass, what is wrong?" Daniel asked, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"We need to find Jack." I stated, tears beginning to fall from my eyes.

"What is happening?" Jonah asked, coming to Daniels side. 

"I saw Jack in my dream. This man hurt him and took him away." I began sobbing. Zach was quick to come over and envelop me in a large hug.

"Who was this man you saw?" Jonah asked.

"His n-name was Cole." I chocked out. The boys all had shocked faces.

"Boys, we need to go." Logan piped up after hearing our conversation. "Witherins can predict the future, thats one of Cassidys powers. If this happened in her dream, we need to go look for him." Logan continued.

"We will send our strongest men with you. Greg and I will stay here with her." Pam stated, moving towards us as well. 

"I love you so much." Zach stated as he quickly placed a kiss on my forehead and rushed out the front door with the other boys.

"Baby come here." Pam instructed, waving her hands for me to hug her. I cried into her shoulder for what felt like hours. 




woooooaaaahhhhhh. Did y'all like it? Thanks for reading <3 -Ivey

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