The Truth Comes Out

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         WARNING: This chapter has possible triggers. If you are suicidal or cut yourself/have anything you ever want to talk about, I am always here! Please do not commit suicide! You are too beautiful. Don't let the haters get you down! <3. Message me or seek help if you are struggling with anything please. Love you all and enjoy the chapter! -Ivey

Cassidys P.O.V

  My eyes fluttered as I woke up. When my eyes finally adjusted to the light I slowly sat up in bed. Then I noticed Corbyn laying beside me, peacefully sleeping. Thats weird, I never said that he could lay down with me. Then memories of last night came back to me. I can't believe I did that. I put myself in such a vulnerable position. Then they actually helped me. 

"Cassidy, do you want to talk about it?" Corbyn asked as he sat up next to me. Am I that much of an open book?  I shook my head no. I'm not ready to talk about anything that has to do with those horrid people. Maybe I should tell them, they seem to actually care. Maybe they could protect and help me. I just can't risk them throwing me out.

"Whenever you are ready, we will be here." Corbyn reassured me. "Hungry?" He asked.

"Yeah, let me get dressed real quick. I will meet you in the kitchen." I stated. I need to take care of something in the bathroom. Corbyn gave me a quick "okay", and exited the room. Right after the door closed behind him I went to the bathroom that was connected to my room and locked the door behind me. I immediately began rummaging through the cabinets in search of something sharp. I didn't want to but I had to. Iv'e been doing it since I was 14. My kidnappers left a razor down in the basement in my cell so I could do it.  In the last drawer I found a pack of replacement blades for shaving. I rolled down my sleeve, I never really looked at all of the cuts, it just makes me even more disappointed in myself. I took one of the blades and held it in my hand. After a few moments of doubting myself I allowed the blade to glide across my wrist. 

1 for getting kidnapped

2 for those men

1 for the boys

2 for my flashback

1 for being stupid

  I cleaned up the blood and went to go change into an outfit for today.  I chose a black crop top with white lettering on it. As well as a pair of high waisted shorts that had rips in them. I also slid on a maroon cardigan to hide everything.  (Cassidys Outfit and hair is below).

I brushed my long, golden brown hair rand allowed it to stay natural today

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I brushed my long, golden brown hair rand allowed it to stay natural today. I didn't put any makeup on. I never wore any. Besides the fact that I didn't own any, I was never taught how to use it. I like my face how it is. After I was ready I walked out of my room to join the boys at the kitchen counter.

"What took you so long?" Jonah questioned as soon as I sat next to him.

"What can I say, beauty takes time." I lied, smiling at him. 

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