She's Gone

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Corbyns P.O.V

We had just gotten to the interview. It was about to start but Logan got a phone call.

"She what?!" Logan exclaimed. I tried to hear the other person on the line but couldn't.

"We are on our way." Logan said frantically into the phone as he hung up.

"What is going on?" I questioned him. His face was covered in worry.

"We need to go back to the house. Now." He stated. We all rushed out and back to the car.

"Logan what is going on?!" Jack asked worriedly.

"Brenden says Cassidy just ran out of the house." He sighs at the end. Why would Cassidy leave? I thought she was starting to like us.

"Is he looking for her?" Jonah asked.

"He ran after her but she is far too fast, even for his wolf." Logan explained. I began trying to mind link her but she blocked me out. 

"Does this have to do with her witherin?" Zach asked nervously.

"I don't see how. There was noting there to trigger her. She has been doing so well with it lately too." Logan sighed, yet again. This is a major set back.

"We need to find her soon or else our mate bond could hurt all of us badly." I stated the obvious. When mates spend too long apart from each other, they start to feel horrible. If they are apart for too long they die. If only Cassidy knew then she wouldn't of ran. All of this thinking brought me to a realization.

"Boys." I grabbed their attention. "You know how you wanted to see into Cassidys thoughts?" I asked. They nodded their heads. "When we mark her, we will all be able to see into her thoughts." I remembered what my mom had taught me when I was still a pup.

"We need to mark her soon. I don't want to do it forcefully but it would make situations like this a lot easier." Daniel said as we pulled into our driveway. We all rushed out of the car and into the house.

"How did she get out?" Logan asked Brenden as soon as we stepped in the door.

"She went into her room and locked it behind her. I went to the door to check on her but she wouldn't answer. I heard a loud thud and went to the front door. I saw her running down the driveway. I chased after her and called her name but she was going extremely fast." Brenden recalled. 

"What direction did she go?" I questioned, we need to find her as soon as possible.

"She went left." We all ran out the door and started down the driveway. All of a sudden I felt an extremely odd feeling going through my body. I stopped running and held my stomach. I could tell Jack felt it too as he was doing the same thing.

"What is she doing?" I asked Jack. The boys stopped running and turned to us.

"She is teleporting." Jack stated as the feeling went away.

"She could be anywhere!" Jonah shouted angrily.

"How are we going to find her now?" Zach asked. 

"I have no clue. I guess we will just have to let the mate bond bring her back to us." I stated, trying not to lose hope.

"And what is it doesn't?" Daniel questioned.

"Don't think like that. We will get her back." Jack reassured. We began making our way back to the house as there was no point in searching for her anymore. She could be anywhere in the world. How are we supposed to protect her if she won't let us?




Sorry for the short chapter! I am currently traveling back home and I can't use too much data. Thank you all fro reading! We are almost at 900 reads! That is insane! I am so happy that the boys have been back home with their family. It is so fun to see all of the things they post on Instagram with them. Thank you for reading this chapter! have a great day! -Ivey

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