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Cassidys P.O.V

I woke up in a strange room. Suddenly yesterdays events flooded into my head. Where the heck am I now? I don't remember going to a hotel. Even if I went to a hotel I wouldn't have any money to pay fro it. Maybe this whole, 'come to Hawaii', thingy wasn't the brightest idea. I heard nearing footsteps and was quickly brought out of my thoughts. Before I could pretend to be sleeping the door opened revealing a younger boy with darker brown hair. 

"You are awake." he smiled.

"Naw dip Sherlock. Who the heck are you?" I questioned. I wasn't in the mood for small talk. I am still mad about yesterday.

"Why so rude to someone who saved you?" He questioned.

"Answer my question." I demanded. Suddenly another boy popped up in the doorway next to Sherlock. The only difference between the two was their haircut. 

"What the heck?!" I exclaimed.

"Were twins." Sherlock answered. 

"You still haven't answered my question." I remembered three seconds ago.

"My name is Ethan, that is Grayson." Sherlock answered pointing to himself then the other boy. (AN: this just took a turn).

"Now will you answer our question?" Grayson asked.

"Depends." I stated, like I said before, I don't have the time for small talk.

"What where you doing on the beach?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"1, long story. 2, I don't trust you. 3, can I leave?" I listed.

"No one is holding you back." Ethan stated. I got up from the bed and pushed past the boys.

"Are you sure you want to leave? We can help you out if you don't have anywhere to stay." Grayson offered. I was about to give him a sassy remark saying how I just met him two minutes ago and would rather go sleep with cockroaches, but was interrupted by a paining feeling in my stomach. I grabbed it and groaned in pain. The boys came rushing to my side. I began to feel light headed and started wobbling. Ethan picked me up so I would't fall. He walked over to a couch and sat me on it. My head was throbbing in pain.

"What is happening?" Grayson questioned with a worrying look. All I could focus on was the pain and the boys. I need the boys. I wanted nothing more than to be surrounded by them all hugging me. I pictured Zach and Daniel rubbing my back and whispering calming words in my ear. I imagined Jonah rubbing my knees and giving me a giant hug. I pictured Corbyn and Jack each holding my hand, concerned looks plastered on their faces. Ethan and Grayson where not comforting at all, their touch felt disgusting. No one could help me like the boys could. My head was still pounding, my stomach felt completely empty. I felt like death. It all slowly began to fade away as the familiar smell of freshly baked cookies filled my nose. I opened my eyes, confused at the scent that filled my nose. I was beyond shocked at what I saw. All of the boys where on the floor holding their stomachs, they looked in pain. I wonder if they felt the same thing I did. Logan was trying to help them when he noticed me.

"CASSIDY!" He yelled, he rushed up to me and gave me a giant hug. The boys suddenly looked a 100 times better and rushed to hug me as well.

"You came back." Jonah stated, relief filled his voice.

"I knew you would." Corbyn declared.

"Please don't ever leave us again." Zach pleaded.

"Where did you go?" Daniel asked.

"Hawaii." My answer was slightly muffled by Jacks shirt.

"What did you do?" Jack asked me.

"I fell asleep on a beach, woke up in these twins room. Their names where Ethan and Grayson and I actually feel really bad. I was leaving their house when I got this giant pain all throughout my body. They where tying to comfort me but it wasn't working. Then I guess I teleported here." I explained.

"The Dolan twins?!" Logans voice was shocked. He pulled out his phone and pulled up Grayson's contact, he then called him and put it on speaker. After three rings Grayson picked up.

"Hey Logan, I don't really have time to talk right now." His voice was laced with worry.

"Ok, I just have a few quick questions. Are you in Hawaii?" Logan asked.

"Yeah, Ethan and I are here for the week." He stated.

"I am so sorry." I spoke up.

"Strange, sassy girl that we found sleeping on the beach who suddenly teleported?" Grayson questioned, I guess he recognized my voice.

"That would be me." I smiled.

"Son of a spanky! Where the heck did you go?" He questioned.

"Well, I teleported back to Logan." I plainly stated.

"You say that so nonchalantly. There is only one supernatural species that can teleport and they went extinct several years ago." He exclaimed.

"Which is why I called you to say you can not tell anyone, Cassidy is a witherin." Logan stated, putting an emphasis on 'anyone'.

"They still exist?! I would only tell Ethan." Grayson said.

"Cassidy is the last one." Logan spoke grimly. 

"Logan are you Cassidy's mate? She was in a lot of pain right before she left." Grayson asked.

"No, the Why Don't We boys are her mate. She's a little too young for my taste." Logan shot me a smile.

"Oh, well I am gonna go. Glad to know what happened and Cassidy is ok." Grayson said before ending the conversation.




Two shorter updates in one day :) Tomorrow is another busy day so I would't expect an update but, I may surprise y'all if I have time. Thank you all for reading! We are so close to one thousand reads! What should I do when we hit 1K reads? Have a great day! -Ivey

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