I Don't Hate You

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Jonahs POV

             I feel so horrible. I caused my mate to have a panic attack. On top of that she had a nightmare. I can't stand to see her upset, it breaks my heart. Corbyn placed her sleeping body in my arms and left before kissing her forehead. I turned to the precious, sleeping girl in my arms and began lightly kissing her forehead. "How can I forgive myself? I have failed as an alpha and as your mate. I didn't make the right decision. I tried to pressure you into something you were not comfortable with and that was not my place whatsoever. I get it if that was a sensitive subject, I just wanted to help you. I just wish you understood how much I care. I love you so much and I hate seeing you like this, all because of me. I can't believe I was such a butt to you. How could I make it up to you? My goodness you probably hate me. I don't blame you at all. I hate myself for what I have done to you. I am supposed to protect you, love you with all of my heart, be there for you, and I failed. I am so sorry." I finished rambling. I looked down at Cassidy again. Her eyes slightly opened.

"I'm not mad at you, Jonah. I'm not mad at anyone. Everyone makes mistakes, you had no clue. If anything, it is my fault for freaking out on you." She whispered.

"Y-you heard that? I thought you where asleep." I slightly frowned.

"Key word, I was asleep." She emphasized the word was. I chuckled and stared into her eyes.

"Jonah, please don't tear yourself up over this." She begged.

"That is what everyone has been telling me. Coming from you, it means a lot more." I adjusted her position so she was now sitting up on my lap, leaning back on my chest. I could tell she was exhausted by her slow breathing.

"Do you want to go back to sleep?" I questioned. She slightly nodded. I got up and placed her into her bed, pulling the covers over her. I kissed her forehead and turned to leave. I had only taken two steps when I felt something on my wrist. I turned back to Cassidy, wondering what she needed.

"Will you stay?" She asked softly. I smiled at her before sliding in bed next to her. I pulled her into my arms as she drifted off to sleep.

Cassidys POV

           My eyes fluttered open as I attempted to sit up. Attempted, something was holding me back. I looked down to find Jonahs arms wrapped around me. Last nights memories slowly came back to me. I can't believe he put all of that pressure on himself. I could never hate Jonah, he is too sweet. I relaxed back into the comfortable mattress and closed my eyes, trying to go back to sleep. My mind was wondering around aimlessly, preventing me from sleeping. I heard faint voices coming from downstairs. The others must already be awake. Wait, I smell bacon, I gotta get down there. I love Jonah but I also really love food. I began to poke his cheeks attempting to wake him up.

"Whaaat" He groaned after five pokes.

"Wake up sleepy head." I giggled. His eyes slowly opened up, revealing soft, blue orbs.

"Good morning." His morning voice was so low. 

"Good morning to you too sire, now I smell some bacon that needs my attention. If you would be so kind as to release me, that would be rather splendid." I replied in my best British accent.

"Of course m'lady, I'm terribly sorry for keeping you from your love of greasy pig." He responded, mocking my fake accent. He hugged me tight before letting me go. We both wandered downstairs into the living room.

"Good morning!" Daniel sang from behind the counter while taking the bacon out of the oven.

"Can I have some bacon?" I asked, reaching for a strip on the pan. Daniel jokingly slapped the top of my hand.

"No! It is hot and you need to wait." He informed. I crossed my arms and made my way into the living room to find the other boys. As I was walking, somebody picked me up from behind. I screeched as tingles erupted all over my body. The person behind me started running into the living room while laughing hysterically. I knew that laugh anywhere, Bean. 

"Put me down Bean or pay the consequences!" I joked. 

"I'll put you down." He smirked. He laid me down on the couch and instantly started tickling my sides. I couldn't help but laugh like crazy as I was super ticklish. Soon Jack and Zach appeared beside Corbyn and started tickling me too.

"Cant, breath." I managed to say between laughs. They stopped tickling me and Zach lifted me over his shoulder.

"Where are we going now?" I asked lightly chuckling. 

"I heard you wanted food, correct?" Zach questioned.

"You heard correct Herron." I responded. "You do know I can walk though, right?" I asked.

"I know, it's more fun this way though." He laughed, I laughed as well. I was then placed in a seat at the counter with all of the boys. 

"Breakfast is served." Daniel stated, putting a plate in front of me.




Excuse me while I pat myself on the back for updating four times in one weekend. I hope you guys have enjoyed all of the updates this weekend! Thank you so much for reading and interacting with the story (commenting/voting). I love reading y'alls comments. Please leave suggestions for what should happen in future chapters. Have a great day! -Ivey <3

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