I Knew You Would Find Me

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Cassidys POV

They've been out for six hours and forty two minutes. To say I'm going insane is a complete understatement. They haven't even reached out to me. I've been pacing around the living room for who knows how long. Pam and Greg where rushed into a meeting about an hour after the boys left, they haven't gotten out yet. My witherin is pushing me really hard right now. It's hard not having anyone to help me through it. Why would someone hurt Jack? I'm going to kill whoever is behind this. I can't handle this anymore. My witherin took control and I bursted out of the house. I relaxed in my body while my witherin was on full alert. It was like I could feel Jack. Suddenly it was as if there was a large map in my brain. I allowed my witherin to follow it, dashing through the trees at an incredibly fast rate. My body was running on pure adrenaline. It felt like I had only been running for seconds but in reality I was most likely running for hours. I stumbled into a large clearing, I halted to a stop and absorbed my surroundings. There was a small log cabin surrounded by trees. Cautiously making my way to it, a large crash caused my to pick up my pace. I bursted the cabin door down, my witherin still in control. The sight behind the door was bewildering. Zach, Daniel, Logan, Jonah, and Corbyn where fighting ten or so other wolves. When I bursted the door down, everyones head snapped in my direction. The boys faces where clearly shocked, I can't blame them. I wasted no time in snapping some dudes neck, then punching the life out of another. 

"You don't mess with my family!" My witherin yelled as I beat another man. The boys quickly continued fighting the men, keeping them at bay as I eliminated others. I must say, Lela was on quite the rampage and I was not about to stop her. 

"What are you doing here?" Corbyn asked as he dodged an enemies punch and I kicked another man. 

"Saving your butts, I couldn't stand to be in that house for another second." Lela answered for both of us as we finished off the man and moved to help Corbyn. 

"Cassidy, I would say you shouldn't be here... but that was awesome." Logan beamed after I knocked down the last guy. I just glanced at him in response.

"Where's Jack?" I questioned, getting straight to the point. I began digging around the cabin as the boys did the same.

"Here." Daniel stated, pulling up a loose board in the floor, revealing a trap door.

"Jack!?" Jonah yelled after opening the trap door in the floor. I heard a faint grumble from down in the darkness. I rushed down the whole first, desperately trying to locate the sound. The basement was cold, dark, and moldy but Jack was here. I scrambled around, trying to find my way towards him. 

"Jack." I breathed out after catching sight of him crouched in a corner. The sight of him made my witherin back off, allowing me to have control again. His wrists and ankles where bound by chains. His body was covered in cuts and bruises, not to mention the blood. He looked absolutely horrible. I wasted no time in scurrying over to him. I placed myself next to him on the ground and wrapped my arms around him, careful not to hurt him even more. 

"I knew you would find me." He whispered, I could hear the smile in his voice. 

"Lets get you out of here bud." Jonahs calm voice stated as he made his way to us. I hesitantly moved away from Jack so the boys could break him free from the chains. 

"This might hurt a tad," Logan warned Jack before breaking the chains off his wrists while Jonah got the ones on his ankles. Daniel and Zach went to help him off the ground. The poor boy could barely walk, Daniel and Zach where practically carrying him. I restrained the tears that begged to flow down my cheeks. I can't cry right now, we need to get out of this building. 

"I've already linked my parents, they're bringing men here to help us get back." Logan informed us as we made it out of the basement.

"Cass, they where really worried about you." Logan stated, flashing me a look that I couldn't read.

"Tell them I'm sorry for being such a trouble. My instinct kinda took over..." I trailed off.

"They understand." He replied.

"Who did all of this?" Jack practically whimpered, motioning to all of the bodies on the ground.

"Our mate is a lot stronger than we originally thought." Daniel chuckled at me. 

"You did this?" Jack was suddenly shocked.

"Well, my witherin technically did it but I would of in a heart beat." I smiled warmly at Jack. He just shook his head playfully and continued walking with has arms around Daniel and Zachs necks.




Can I kiss you this Christmas? Thanks y'all for being so patient with me regarding the slow updates! I made a 94 on my Bio EOC :) This week is finals week and then Christmas! What do y'all want for Christmas this year? -Ivey <3

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