An Explanation

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I break from the hug with Jonah and stare at Logan waiting for an answer.

"You guys may want to sit down fro this." He says, walking to the couch. We follow and position ourselves around Logan. I sit next to him, Jonah on the other side of me, and everyone else is around us. 

"Ok, this is a really long story but first I need to know, what are your parents names?" He asks, why is everyone so concerned about who my parents are. 

"William Currie and Hannah Currie." I answer, confusion laced in my voice. Logan scrunches his face. 

"Birth parents." Corbyn adds. What is so special about them?

"Oh, Mary Lou Wright and Donald Bole Wright." I state, Logan looks a tad surprised.

"Your parents where the last of the writherins. Writherins are very complicated creatures. They hold so many powers that no one knows about. Since your parents where writherin, that makes you writherin. We have to hide you from everyone, if people find out there are still writherines they are not going to be happy." Logan breaks the ice. That is why the boys where so shocked earlier.

"Who was inside of me earlier and what did you do to make them crazier than a couponer on Black Friday?" I question.

"That is your inner writherin. I did some things in the past, I regret them a lot." Logan states, I raise my eyebrow waiting for him to give me the full story.

"I may or may not of killed the last two writherins in existence." Logan says, his voice high. I jump back at his words.I slowly start walking towards the door, still facing him.

"You killed my parents! You!" I yell pointing at him violently. "You won't kill me will you?" I spit at him harshly.

"No, calm down. As I said earlier I regret deeply what I did, to you and your parents." Logan says with sympathy in his voice. I can't take this. I don't even know who I am. Suddenly my breathing becomes irregular and the walls feel like they are closing in on me. I lean on the wall for support. My breathing is getting even shakier. I feel like I am fading out. I see Logan and the boys rush towards me, it just makes me more scared. I slide down to the floor and crunch up in a ball and close my eyes crying. Suddenly I feel two arms wrap around me and sit me up. Then I feel warm lips pressed on mine, tingles explode through my body. I kiss back after a few moments and then the person pulls away. Corbyn. He puts his hands lightly on my cheeks and wipes the tears away with his thumbs. We sit there for a few minutes until I finally calm down. 

"Cassidy, can I finish explaining? I understand if you want to wait but you need to hear this." Logan states. I nod my head and get up to go back to the couch. Everyone resumes their positions and Logan continues his story. 

"I was blackmailed. A stupid blood sucker said if I didn't do it he would kill my family." Logan explains.

"What are you?" I ask.

"I am a werewolf but a special one. I am of royal blood meaning I have more powers that are stronger than normal werewolves." Logan explains.

"So are your parents like the King and Queen of werewolves?" I question.

"You catch on quick shorty." Logan smiles.

"But I thought werewolves where in packs." I say with a confused look on my face.

"They are. However the King and Queen rule over every werewolf. They attend special pack meetings with the alphas of packs, they also make sure the werewolf community is not in danger." Zach explains. I nod my head slowly.

"Anyway, your inner witherin remembers everything that you have ever experienced. Thats why it remembers me." Logan says, slightly frowning.

"When I killed your parents, you where there. However I made sure you didn't see. I locked you in a bathroom until it was done. After I had to take you to the house of the person who blackmailed me." Logan explained, pain laced in his voice.

"Who blackmailed you?' I questioned, curious.

"I-it was your 'adoptive parents'" Logan states putting air quotes around "adoptive parents".

"W-what? Thats not possible." I say, on the verge of tears. I felt a squeeze on my hand and realized Zach had been holding it.

"I'm sorry Cassidy." Is all Logan can say.

"They where never home, they where always gone on business. Wait?!? My parents where vampires?!?!" I yell, coming to a realization.

"Your parents where vampires, so was your brother. Still want to call and tell them you are ok?" Corbyn asks, slightly smiling.

"Not the time Corbyn." Jonah says harshly.

"I-I can't believe this. Why didn't they kill me if they knew I was a writherin?" I ask, I can't bear the thoughts of my 'parents' wanting killing me.

"They wanted me to do it." Logan says plainly. I look up at him in shock.

"Well, are you going to?" I ask.

"I didn't have to. When you suddenly disappeared I used it as my excuse and told them the job was done." He explains.

"So what you are trying to tell me is, you killed my birthparents because you where blackmailed by my vampire 'parents' who then wanted you to kill me. You told them you killed me and they where happy with it?" I question, raising an eyebrow.

"They where overjoyed." He states.

"This is a bunch of burnt water in Antarctica. Y'all must have some creative imaginations to make all of this up and actually believe it. " I state, getting off of the couch, throwing my hands up in frustration. I start walking to the door, seconds before I reach the door knob Daniel appears in front of me.

"Don't leave Cassidy, what do we have to do to make you believe us?" He questions, blocking me from leaving.

"Let me leave." I demand, trying to reach the handle. Daniel blocks it.

"You can't leave us." He states.

"Watch me Seavy!" I yell with force. He Puts his hands up to his ears and ducks his head down. I make a reach for the door and push past Daniel. However, before I can get far down the hall, two strong arms wrap around me and pick me up. I begin to kick at the person.

"Let me go!" I yell. I turn to see Logan holding me against my will, carrying me back to his apartment. I continue to kick at him and punch his chest. It is no use but I am not giving up. He gets me inside where I am met with a frantic Daniel, Jonah, Zach, Jack, and Corbyn. I continue kicking and punching at Logan.

"Lydia! Get the stuff!" Logan yells.

"No! Logan! You don't have to do that!" Jonah yells running up to me.

"But I do, if she gets any more out of hand she could hurt someone, you don't know what she is capable of." Logan remarks as the girl hands him something. Soon enough I feel a sharp pain in my neck as Logan sticks a needle in it. The last thing I hear is Zach yelling,

"Logan! Why'd you do that?", before the world goes dark.




Y'all are lucky to have such an awesome person writing this story ;) I wasn't going to update a third time today but homework can wait! I have awesome readers who want more of the story. Anyways, homework can wait for wattpad. I hope y'all are enjoying the story so far! If you have any suggestions for what should happen next you should totally comment it. Love y'all! - Ivey

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