The Past

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"I've had a rough past. I haven't told anyone about this, ever." I start off, trying to prepare them for the madness they are going to hear.

"We are here for you, take all the time you need." Jonah reassures me, putting an arm around my shoulders. The boys all nod in agreement.

"Thanks. I don't remember my birth parents. I was adopted by my family when I was 3. They tell me my parents where killed in a plane crash. My adoptive family always seemed to be gone. My parents would always be off on business and my older brother Derek would always be at a friends house. One afternoon when I was 12 these 10 men came into my house while I was home alone. I was watching SpongeBob on the couch, then they took me. The men cornered me in my own house and robbed me of my normal life. They took me from my family and everyone I loved. They did horrible things to me. They would each take turns beating me. One of them even r-raped me. Finally I gained the strength and courage to run away. I had just gotten away and then I guess they found me again. I was running in the woods away from them and y'all found me. " I sighed when I finally finished. Jack who was sitting on the other side of me turned me towards him.

"Hey, I know that was hard but it is in the past. We have you now and we will do anything to keep you safe." Jack reassured me. He wiped away my tears with the pad of his thumbs. I didn't even know I had been crying. 

"Can I see my family? Or at least tell them I am ok?" I asked, turning towards Jonah, he has a soft spot.

"Maybe one day. We can't risk you getting taken away." He replied. 

"Just out of curiosity, what where your parents names?" Corbyn questions.

"Birth or adoptive?" I ask back.

"Birth." He answers. I don't understand why it would matter but I told him anyway.

"Mary Lou Wright and Donald Bole Wright." I answer him. The boys face turns shocked. I raise my eyebrows in suspicion. They all look at each other and their eyes go blank. I should of asked about that earlier, I wonder what they are doing.

"What? Did I say something?" I ask, breaking the silence. The boys snap their head in my direction.

"No, your parents sound like they where good people." Zachs voice is made of nothing but lies.

"That is fried bologna and you know it Zachary." I fire back, his answer was very unconvincing.

"What he meant to say is, your parents where a friend of mine. I have talked about them to the boys before. I can't believe you are their daughter." Jonah says, sounding shocked. 

"Finally, someone told the truth." I reply, the boys all sigh. I am still somewhat suspicious but I will let it rest for now.

"What where your adoptive parents names?" Jack asks.

"I will tell you if you don't freak out again." I say.

"We will not freak out." Zach states. The boys all nod.

"William Currie and Hannah Currie. My brothers name is Derek Currie." I state, slightly smiling at the mention of my family. The boys do not look shocked but they don't look very happy either.

"Anything else we need to talk about?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"No, we should go back to sleep, its 3 AM." Daniel says, getting up from his spot on the couch. I get up from the couch and begin to walk back to my room.

"Do you want me to stay with you the rest of the night?" Jonah asks from behind me. 

"If you don't mind." I say, turning around to meet his gaze. I wait for him to catch up to me and we walk back to my room together. I fell asleep feeling safe and loved.




THANK YOU FOR 183 VEIWS! I LOVE YALL SO MUCH! Thank you all fro taking the time to read my story. Sorry for the short update but, there will be another update coming soon. Also, I am sorry for not updating in over 2 days! LETS TALK ABOUT MY BAES! They did a live stream on instagram and brought fans in! It was so cute and I wish they would of brought me in, maybe next time :) ALSO, who is going to one of their tour shows?? I am going to the one in Charlotte on April 6th! IM SO EXCITED! 166 days :) Comment what show you are going to if you can go! Love yall! -Ivey

PS: there is more to Cassidys past than she knows :) What do the boys know that she doesn't know?

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