Take Me Home

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Jack stood off of his bed and unlocked the door, I was still in Jonah's arms. When the door opened, an upset Corbyn was slouching in the hall with a frown slapped on his face.  He began walking up to me, I tried to back away but Jonahs grip held me in place. Great, now I was sandwiched between two boys who I just met, not to mention they took me. Just as I thought it couldn't get any worse,  the other three joined in. We stayed like this for a good three minutes before I spoke up.

"Im highly uncomfortable." I stated with no emotion in my voice. The boys replied with a mix of "Sorry" and "Oh", and slowly began peeling away from me. After that we just kinda stared at each other for a few minutes, enveloped in an awkward silence. That is, until a loud growl left my stomach.

"Somebody is hungry." Daniel said, stating the obvious.

"Oh, yeah. Uh, what time is it?" I replied, still slightly shaken up from previous activities.

"Its 3:48, theres some leftover pizza downstairs if that interests you." Zach replied. I haven't eaten in Lord knows how long. At this point, I would eat a box of uncooked pasta if I had to. I nodded my head as a small smile crept across my lips. The boys soon filed out of the room, indicating for me to follow. We made our way through the hallway, and passed the living room from earlier. When in the kitchen Zach and Corbyn sat at two seats at a long marble counter top. They motioned for me to sit on the stool between them. Jonah began warming up the pizza as Jack and Daniel searched for other food in the kitchen.  As I was waiting for Jonah to finish with the pizza my thoughts began racing.  Why are these boys being so nice to me? They haven't hit me or laid a finger on me, except the hug earlier. They are helping me. They are actually helping me. Why? What is going to happen in the future? Are they goi-

"Cassidy." Jonahs voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I glanced up at him, signaling him to continue. "Are you ok? We've been talking to you for the past two minutes, you spaced out. What's on your mind?" He questioned.  His eyes showed sympathy and care as he pushed a plate with three slices of pepperoni pizza towards me. 

"I-It's nothing. I'm just tired." I lied. I didn't want them to ask me questions about my past. I began to eat my pizza, trying to get the message across that I was not in the mood to talk.

"You sure?" Corbyn questions. I just nodded my head in response and scarfed down the pizza as the guys made small talk with each other. 

After finishing my pizza I glanced at the clock on the oven, 6:04. How did it get so late? I guess it took me longer to eat that pizza than I thought. "I'm exhausted. Can I sleep?" I questioned as I stood from my chair. 

"Yeah, I'll show you to your room." Daniel suggested but it came across more as a statement. 

"I have my own room? How long are you keeping me here?" I exclaimed. They don't expect me to stay here forever, do they?

"Yeah, our friend Aspen designed it for you. You woke up in it this morning." Jonah stated, avoiding my second question. 

"How. Long. Are. You. Keeping. Me. Here." I demanded. Pausing between each word. The boys just looked at each other, a worried expression crossed over their faces. They did that weird thing again where their eyes looked blank as they stared at each other. 

"I thought we told you earlier, this is your home now." Jack answered, the words came out of his mouth as if there was nothing wrong with it.

"No. Take me home." I demanded. I just want to see my family. After five years I finally got out only to be taken again. 

"Cassidy, we are sorry but, we can't. You will know sooner or later. Please just go to bed." Zach begged. He sounded hurt by the words he couldn't say. I groaned and stomped back to my room. At least I thought I was going to my room until Daniel shouted.

"Other way Cass." and with that I pivoted on my heels and stomped in the other direction.  I finally found my room and slammed the door shut. I didn't have any clothes to change into so I just flopped on the bed and closed my eyes. 




Thats chapter three! As always, please point out any errors and leave  suggestions for future chapters below. Also, I would really appreciate your thoughts on how the story is developing so far. This is my first time writing a story for an audience so I would love any feedback you have to give. Thank you for reading!  -Ivey

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