Control Yourself

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Jacks P.O.V

I made my way back to the boys who where in a deep discussion.

"What if she can never control it?" Zach asks, a worried expression covers his face.

"She will learn, if her parents could control it then it is possible." Logan reassured. I coughed slightly, letting them know I was back.

"She asleep?" Daniel questioned.

"Yep. I hate having to see her like that." I stated, looking at the floor.

"It's safe to say I speak for all of us when I say I agree." Jonah sighs.

"We can not let anyone find her. If we do it could be really bad news." Logan says.

"We should search up on her adoptive parents. Maybe we could learn a bit more about her past." Corbyn suggests. We all nod and pull out our different devices. I search in Cassidys adoptive parents names on my phone. The first thing that comes up is article titled, "Mother and Father Give Up On Search For Missing Daughter." I can't believe they would give up on her.Then again, they did want her dead. 

"Ummm boys..." Daniels voice trailed off. "We might have a big problem here." He states after all of us gave him our attention. "Cassidys adoptive parents are Alphas of the Blood Lust pack." Corbyn continued, growling lowly at the mention of their name. We all had shocked faces. How did I not see this before? The Blood Lust pack is the strongest pack in America. This is due to their manipulative and evil acts.

"There is no way." Zach exclaimed in shock.

"Last time I checked, the alphas of that packs names where Lena Bloodmoon and Herson Bloodmoon. Not William Currie and Hannah Currie." Daniel stated with the same shocked expression as Zach. 

"Well, now really no one can know we have her." Logan restated.

"At least two of us need to be with her at all times." Jonah stated. He is right, we need to protect her.

"Should we take turns sleeping in her room every night?" I suggested.

"Thats a good idea. We can make a schedule." Corbyn suggests. After more conversing we came up with this, Logan, Jonah, Me, Daniel, Zach, and then Corbyn. We would just do that schedule on loop. 

"Boys it's midnight, we should get some rest." Logan states. Ever since Cass showed up he has basically been living with us. I really appreciate it. He knows far more about writherins than any of us do.He knows how to handle Cassidy. We all begin making our way to our rooms, Logan goes to Cassidys room. We put Logan on the schedule first, in case if Cassidy is still mad in the morning he will know how to handle it. I had a hard time falling asleep and I could tell the other boys did too, we all had Cassidy on our mind.

Next Morning

I woke up to the sound of yelling and screaming. Worried, I shot out of bed and rushed downstairs. All of the boys where already down there. Cassidy was holding a knife and pointing it at Logan, her eyes where fiery red. Cassidy had her back turned from me, she had Logan cornered in the kitchen. This was about to get bad. I ran into the bathroom and grabbed a stun needle. I really didn't want to do it but I had to. I rushed back to where Cassidy was and saw she was alarmingly close to Logan. I crept up behind her and stuck the needle in her neck. Logan rushed forward and grabbed the knife while I caught her lifeless body in my arms.

"Nice save Jack." Zach commented.

"Yeah, thanks." Logan added, putting the knife away. I picked Cassidy up and carried her to the couch.

"What even happened?" I questioned, looking at Logan. 

"I slept on the floor last night, when I woke up I noticed Cassidy was missing. I went to go look for her. When I went in the hallway she was walking towards me with a knife in her hands. Her eyes where fiery red. I ran to the kitchen where she eventually cornered me. Then you came." Logan recalled. We can't keep doing this.

"We really need to do something about this." I stated, motioning to the sleeping Cassidy on the couch.

"Does my mind controlling work on her when she goes all witherin bad a?" Zach questioned.

"I honestly don't know, I've never heard of anyone using it on a witherin. Then again they aren't exactly around anymore." Logan replied. Zach is onto something, If he could control her to calm down we would make a lot more progress rather than using a stun needle every time she went mad.

"Logan." I said, grabbing his attention. He hummed in response, his eyes met mine. "How come Cassidy has been getting so mad lately? In her flashbacks when she got mad it never escalated this far." I ask.

"Maybe it is because I am here. After all I have caused her the most pain." Logan explained. Now it all makes since. Ever since Logan showed up into the picture Cassidys witherin has been going crazier and crazier.

"What do we do?" I questioned, already knowing the answer.

"When she wakes up, she most likely will still be all witheirn mode. We should see if Zachs powers work on her. If they don't, I guess we will have to go back to plan B." Logan sighed.

Later (Cassidys P.O.V)

My eyes slowly fluttered open. I still wasn't in control of my body. I really just wanted whatever was inside of me to take a chill pill. Scratch that, this thing needs to take the whole bottle of chill pills. Then maybe it wouldn't try to kill Logan without me being able to stop it.

But he killed our parents, do you not understand?!  The voice rang through my head.

I understand perfectly. I don't think you understand. Killing Logan will not bring them back. It will only hurt us more. It will ruin our relationship with the boys. I scolded back.

I need revenge. The voice begged.

I need you to stop ruining me! I fired back.

If you won't do it then I will do it for you! The voice roared. That was when I lost all control. I shot up off of the couch and was stopped by two strong arms grabbing me. I turned to come face to face with Jack. He held me there and I heard shuffling in front of me. When I turned back around my eyes where met with Zachs. We locked eyes and it felt like he was staring into my soul.

"Cassidy, we need you to calm down." If only he knew how badly I wanted to hug him right now.

"Cassidy I know you are in there somewhere." He spoke, not breaking eye contact.

Back down! I yelled at the thing inside me. Slowly but surely I felt as if I was more in control of my body. I broke eye contact with Zach and turned to Jack who was still holding me. He seemed surprised at first but didn't hesitate to hug me back when I hugged him.

"She's back!" Corbyn exclaimed as the boys all formed a group hug.

"You have no idea how horrible that was. There was this thing in me that took over me. I couldn't do anything to stop it. No matter how loud I yelled for help, nothing came out. I hate this so much. Thank you." I began crying. 

"Shh. We are going to teach you to control it. I am sorry you had to go through that." Jack cooed as he pet my hair.




This is the longest it has ever taken me to put out an update. I kept getting distracted while trying to write. Thank you guys fro reading! Also... THANK YOU FOR 400 READS!! Y'all are awesome! -Ivey <3

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