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Zachs POV

Something is definitely wrong with Cass. After Daniel laid down with her on the couch I went to find the boys. They where all talking in Jonahs office. Since Jonah is our Alpha, he has an office where he can do his pack work. When I stepped in the room they all shot there heads up to look at me.

"Is she ok? We can all feel her stress." Jonah stated in a worried tone. 

"Something happened at the mall. I pointed at the directory behind her saying we could go look at it when we finished eating at the food court. When she turned around to find the directory, her eyes grew wide and she got really worried. She told us she wanted to go home. She didn't want to talk about what or who she saw so we didn't push her. I have no clue what it was and neither does Daniel. We thought you guys could get it out of her." I explained. 

"What are they doing now?" Jack asked.

"Cassidy almost fell asleep on the way home. I think she is drained from all of this mornings events, plus this. Daniel carried her in from the car and they are laying on the couch." I stated.

"Ok, we will wait for her to wake up and then ask questions." Jonah ordered. We all nodded in agreement.

Boys, nightmare. Daniel stated over our pack min link. We all gave each other a knowing look and rushed out of the office into the living room. Cassidy was holding onto Daniel like her life depended on it while silently sobbing. Daniel was rubbing her back and whispering in her ear while rocking her back and forth. It seemed like he had everything in control yet we stayed for support. Jack quietly walked up to her and kissed her neck where her mark was. This caused her to visually relax a little. He repeated the action until she was no longer crying. We all sat around the couches and watched a random TV show, waiting for Cassidy to wake up. 

"Hey, good afternoon." I heard Daniel coo as Cassidy slowly woke up. "Shh. Your ok, It is ok." He rubbed her back and started rocking her back and forth. Clearly something was bothering her.

"Cassidy, what's got you so upset?" I asked her as I made my way over to her.

"Cass, we need to know so we can protect you." Jonah spoke up. 

"Sh-she's here." Her voice was barely audible.

"Who is it Cass?" Jack asked. 

"Adoptive-" Was all she could choke out. Jonah motioned to Jack.

"Her adoptive 'mom'." He stated using air quotes for the word 'mom'.

"Cassidy, we won't let her find you." Corbyn cooed.

"Can I hold her?" Jonah asked. Daniel nodded and passed Cassidy over to Jonah. Jonah began kissing her mark gently, causing her to calm down.

"We will protect you. We won't let anything happen to you Cass." He told her. She just nodded and continued to silently cry. I hated seeing her like this and not being able to help like the others can. I hate that Cassidy has had such a rough past. She doesn't deserve any of this. Jonahs phone suddenly began to ring. I went to his side and lifted Cass off of him and into my own lap. He stepped into his office to take the call. I caressed Cassidys cheeks and wiped her tears with the pads of my thumbs. 

"I love you." I looked into her eyes as I said it, I meant those three words.

"I love you more." She gave me a small smile.

"I love you most." I replied, gently kissing her forehead. She buried her head in my chest as I rubbed her back. We remained on the floor until Jonah came back.

"Hey Cass, there are a few people coming who would like to meet you." Jonah smiled at her. Her face grew worried.

"Is now the best time Jonah?" I questioned, gesturing to Cassidy.

"Now is the perfect time." He nodded. Minutes later there was a knock at the door. Jonah rushed to answer it. Ethan and Grayson appeared in the living room. I could sense another presence but chose not to question it. As soon as Cass saw them she ran over and engulfed the two in a giant hug. When they released a man and woman appeared in the living room behind them. 

"Cassidy..." The woman's voice trailed off. A tear slid down her face as she smiled at Cassidy.

"Look at our beautiful daughter." The man smiled as he pulled the woman into a side hug so they could still stare at Cass. 

"Mom? Dad!" Cassidy exclaimed as she ran into their arms. 

"I never thought I would ever see you again." Cassidy was crying as well.

"I'm so sorry baby." Her mom whispered as she stroked her hair.

"You are so beautiful, our daughter." Her dad smiled at her. Her mom looked up and waved Ethan and Grayson over. They gladly joined the family hug, squishing Cassidy in the middle. In this moment, it was so easy to forget about all of the bad in the world. In this moment, everyone was at peace, but not for long.




This was a shorter update but it was the third or fourth update of today. I hope you all had a wonderful day! Thank you so much for reading :) -Ivey <3

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