Getting To Know You

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Zach's P.O.V

I just realized something. Ever since we got Cassidy, we haven't really moved forward with her on a mate level. I have the perfect idea.

"We should play 23 questions!" (A/N I know its 21 but 23 is an inside joke with some of my friends.). I blurted out. Everyone replied with a mix of 'yeah's and 'sure's. Cassidy just nodded her head. We all separated from the group hug and made our way to the living room. 

"I'll start." Jonah offers after we all get situated. "What is everyones dream vacation?" He asks. Everyone answers in a circle starting with Jack who is sitting to Jonahs left. 

"I would love to go to Paris." Jack answers.

"I have always wanted to go to Hawaii." Daniel replies.

"I would love to go to Disney World or Italy." Cassidy answers.

"While all of those places sound wonderful, I would love to see my family again." Corbyn states. We haven't been home for a good four months, it has been hitting us pretty hard. Mainly because we don't know what to do with Cassidy when we head our separate ways for a while.

"I would be overjoyed to go to the Bahamas with my family, and you lovely people." I say, causing everyone to smile.

"I have always found Mexican culture really interesting, we should take a trip to Mexico city one day." Jonah stated. We continued playing our game, learning new things about each other. I looked over at Cassidy while Corbyn was describing the most interesting thing he has ever done. News flash, I think he has done better. Anyways, Cassidy seemed bothered by something. 

"Zach, it's a full moon." Jack mind linked me.

"Witherin?" I questioned back at him. 

"Yes. I can sense it coming out of her slowly. It is taking over her mind. You need to do something." He told me, still through our minds.

"I'll see what I can do, tell the other boys." I told him. I made my way over to where Cassidy was sitting. She gave me a questioning look as I plopped myself in front of her. I immediately made eye contact with her, begging her to calm down. 

"Zach, you can't control me." She said with a stern look on her face, still making eye contact with me. We can't lose the eye contact, if we do it will be very hard for her to look back at me again. I had to stay in control. I deepened the eye contact, making it harder for her to pull away. Calm down, calm down. I repeated in my head. Her facial expression didn't change, she still looked furious. Crap. She has built an immunity to me. 

"Do I need to repeat myself Zachary?" She asked in a sassy tone. I continued to stare at her. I attempted to deepen the eye contact as I was rapidly losing control. The witherin was taking over. After a few more moments of staring at each other, Cassidy gained the strength to break away.

"UGH!" She exclaimed as she sat up on the couch. "Am I just a toy to y'all? Just something you can practice on?" She was demanding an answer, but none of the shocked faces in the room gave her one. "I asked a fluffing question!" She screamed, getting up from the couch. Jonah was quick to push her back down. "NO!" She exclaimed as Jonah was sitting her back down. Jonah immediately fell back. "NO!" Cassidy repeated herself. "I am not going to stay here only to be manipulated by you!" She yelled, pointing her finger at each of us.

"Cassidy, please." Jack begged. She just ignored him. I wanted so badly to run up to her and hug her, to give her a fat kiss on her plump pink lips. I wanted to whisper encouraging words in her ear, letting her know everything will be ok. I wanted to show her how much we care, how much we all do. But I couldn't move. I was frozen in my spot on the floor. And Cassidy walked out. Just like that she strutted out of our lives.

Cassidys P.O.V

I have no idea what is happening, but the thing inside me does. 

Lela A voice inside me spoke. 

What? I questioned.

My name is Lela. There is something we need to do. She stated, running down the street.

What just happened? I asked her. She must be the witherin thingy in me.

We had to get away from them somehow. There is a job we need to do. And yes, I am your witherin. We are a crap tone more powerful than you know. She stated, as she continued running the familiar route.




I am so sorry for not updating in so long! I have been absolutely swamped with school work. However, tonight I don't have a lot so I am going to update as much as possible! Thank you all so much for 1.8K reads. It means so much to me that all of these people are reading/enjoying something my peanut brain came up with. I originally started writing this chapter two days ago with the intention of Cassidy getting closer to the boys. However, several of you requested that she ran away again. Since I wanted to please y'all, the chapter turned into this. I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading :) -Ivey

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