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Flashback (In Italics)

"No! Please no. Leave me alone! I will do anything! Just leave me be. Please." I  desperately cried out to my kidnapper, John. 

"Poor child wants to be left alone. I've got three words for you, listen closely darling. Not gonna happen." He spat back at me.

"NO!  Mom! Dad! Derek! Someone plea-" I was pleading to my family. I knew it was no use. They had all gone out and left me home alone. 

"No use little one. We are going to have fun. Don't you want to have fun with me and my friends?" The horrid excuse for a human cut me off. 

"I am not going anywhere with you!" I screamed at him. He and his men where advancing toward me. They had come into my house while I was watching Spongebob on the living room tv. They had now cornered me. There was no where to go. This is it.

"You have no where to go little girl. " John whispered at me, still inching forward. 

"Tell me something I don't know." I scoffed back at him. Just then one of his men launched forward at me, placing a cloth over my mouth. Then the world went dark. 

When I regained consciousness my head was pounding. I whimpered in pain and bit my lip, trying not to cry. I surveyed my surroundings, not only was I locked in a small plain cell, but I was also tied to a chair.  Then that piece of  trash straight form the land down under started laughing from the other side of the room.

"Looks like sleeping beauty finally woke up. Do you like school? I have a lesson to teach you." Right after the words left his mouth he slapped me hard  across my face. I screamed in pain as he continued to beat me. 


Just then my eyes shot open as I abruptly sat up. The boys where surrounding me. Jack and Corbyn where each holding one of my hands. Jonah was sat in front of me, his hands on my knees. Zach and Daniel where behind me, patting my back. It was just a dream. Thank goodness. I began to sob uncontrollably as Jonah pulled me into a tight hug. The other boys quickly joined in.

"Shh. Cassidy it is ok. We have you now and you are safe. Please don't cry." Jack cooed as Jonah petted my hair. I just continued to cry, more controllably now. Zach then broke from the hug and walked out of the room. Seconds later he returned with a glass of water in his hands. 

"Here, take this." He held the glass out towards me. I reluctantly grabbed it and took small sips. After a few minutes Jonah stood up.

"We will let you go back to sleep. Do you want one of us to stay with you?" He asked. I appreciated the offer as I really did not want to be alone right now. I nodded my head.

"I'll stay. That is, if you want me too." Corbyn offered. I once again nodded my head. Corbyn walked over to my bed as the others made their way out of the room. Corbyn delicately placed himself on top of the covers beside me, staying on the other side of the bed.  

"Thank you." I whispered. I didn't want him to think I did not appreciate his kind gestures.

"Anytime. If anything is bothering you, you can always talk to me. Always." He reassured me. I really do not deserve these people. They are far to kind. I gave Corbyn a slight nod. I don't think I will actually tell him about what happened to me. There is to much room for questions  that I do not want to answer. I only got away from it all a day ago, what if they take me back? What if the boys decide I'm too broken for them and throw me out? 

"Cassidy. Stop worrying. Go to sleep." Corbyn demanded. I guess he could see my facial expression. I know he is just looking out for me. However, that is a large request he is asking me to fulfill.  Eventually the darkness overcame me and I drifted off to sleep, with Corbyn by my side.




Next update will be this but in the boys point of view. Thats right, next chapter I am switching it up. As always, I hope y'all enjoyed. Please point out any errors and leave suggestions for future chapters below. Thank you so much for reading! -Ivey

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