Pillow Fight

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A/N: So, before I start the chapter I was asked a question in my "update" the other night.

WhiteFireWolf asks: "What is the best book on wattpad that you have read?"

I've read so many great books on wattpad. The first one that comes to mind is "Song Of The Sea" by spotligthseavey. The book only has 13 parts but each are fairly lengthy. I love this book because of how different it is. I definitely recommend you go check it out :). Now onto the chapter!




"Cass, you should sing more often." Daniel smiled at me as I broke from the hug with Jack. I didn't know what to say so I fixed my gaze on the carpet floor.

"Wanna have a game night?" Corbyn suggested. I haven't played a good board game in years.

"That sounds great." I smiled at him.

"Lets do it!" Zach yelled excitedly. We all rushed out of my room. Daniel went to a closet with Corbyn to get games for us to play. Jonah began fiddling with the smart TV, trying to bring up spotify. Jack went to the kitchen and grabbed a few snacks for all of us. Zach and I went to the table and waited for everyone to join us. We started out with a competitive game of Uno. In the background we where listening to this band. Their music was pretty good, it was really upbeat. I don't think there are any girls in the band, I only hear male voices. Wait, these voices sound really familiar.

"What band is this?" I asked the boys as Jonah laid down his last card and won the game.

"Some boy band called Why Don't We." Jack shrugged.

"Why Don't We what?" I asked, not getting the point made.

"That is the bands name." Zach answered, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Wait..." I trailed off, putting my thoughts together.

"And the princess has almost finished the puzzle, just gotta put in the last piece." Daniel joked.

"You guys are Why Don't We!" I yelled excitedly, finally coming to the realization.

"Took ya long enough." Jonah stated jokingly.

"I remember y'all mentioning you where in a band." I guess I never really thought to ask them about it. The boys began to sing along to the music while we started our next round.

Zach has a blue draw two, green reverse, a draw four wild card, four yellows that are all numbers, and no reds. Jacks voice echoed in my mind.

Hey! Are you cheating?! I yelled back at him.

Jonahs got two wild cards, two blue cards that are both numbers, and a green skip. Corbyns voice rang through my head this time, completely ignoring my question.

Cass, what does Daniel have? Jack asked me.

Daniel has horrible cards. They are all numbers, 2 reds, 4 blues, 3 greens, and 1 yellow. I told them, we could use this to our advantage.

Ok, I got a draw four wild from having to draw earlier, anyone have a reverse? Jack asked.

I do. I responded.

Play it next round, I can get Jonah so he doesn't win. Jack smirked. We played out the round and I ended up winning with the help of Jack and Corbyn.

"How the heck did you do that?" a shocked Jonah asked. I just shrugged in response.

"I saw Jack peaking at my cards a couple of times." Zach pointed an accusing finger to Jack.

"I saw Corb peaking at my cards too!" Jonah exclaimed.

Well, this isn't good. Corbyn stated in my head.

"Cass, do you have something you would like to share?" Jack asked.

Jack! What are you doing?!? I asked him through mindlink.

Using your butt to save mine. What does it look like? He sassed.

"No Jack. But I think you have something you would like to tell Jonah." I raised an eyebrow at him.

Oh no you did no- Jack was cut off.

"They cheated!" Corbyn yelled as he hurriedly rushed out of the room.

"CORBYN!" I yelled and chased after him, Jack followed behind me. I reached him quickly and jumped on his back. He stumbled at first but quickly regained his balance. Jack pried me off of him and began tickling me.

"Ja-Jack, we- we're suppo-sed to be-be getting C-orb" I managed to say between laughs. Corbyn joined Jack in tickling me. I squirmed back and forth on the ground, eventually I wiggled my way away from them. I reached for the closest thing I could throw at them, a pillow. I hurled the pillow at Jacks face, hitting him in the back of the head.

"You shouldn't of done that." He smirked at me evilly. He grabbed the pillow I threw at him off the ground and launched it at me. Luckily, I dodged it just in time.

"Heyyy!" Daniels voice whined from behind me. Suddenly the whole house turned into a war zone. Everyone was throwing pillows at each other over a silly card game. We had been at it for over thirty minutes now, I was exhausted. I ran across the living room and dashed up the stairs. I found a hiding spot at the back of a coat closet. Once I was settled in I closed my eye lids and allowed the darkness to consume me.




Pillow fight :) Thank you all for reading! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. -Ivey

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