Just Wake Up

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Jonahs P.O.V (this is the night Cassidy had her flashback but from Jonahs pov)

"When do we tell her?" Zach questioned. The boys and I were having a pack meeting in the living room after Cassidy went to sleep.

"I don't know. It is going to be very hard for her to understand." Jack commented, keeping his voice low.

"I say we do it when the time is right. However, the time needs to be right soon. We can't wait much longer." I said, adding to the conversation.

"I agree." Corbyn said while nodding his head.

"This isn't going to be easy..." Daniel muttered. We continued our conversation on how we would tell Cassidy we where werewolves. Then suddenly we heard a loud scream coming from Cassidy's room. The boys and I didn't hesitate to bolt into her room. When we got there she was sitting in her bed, eyes closed, with a terrified expression on her face. I ran up to her and sat on the side of her bed, rubbing her knees.

"Find out what it's about." I directed to Jack and Corbyn. They had the power to see into peoples minds. They rushed to her side, each taking a hand and closing their eyes. As they did so Zach and Daniel placed themselves behind her, rubbing her back. I watched Jack and Corbyns expressions as they watched her dream. A worried and angered expression crossed over their faces. Cassidy continued to scream and cry as we attempted to comfort her.

"Cassidy wake up, please. It is just a dream." I cooed, slightly shaking her knees. Jacks eyes shot open.

"We need to wake her up. Now." He seemed so worried and scared. Whatever was going on in Cassidys mind couldn't of been good. I began thinking of ways to wake her up, then an idea came into mind. This was going to hurt but hopefully it would work. I allowed my claws to come out and began poking at her knee. Gently at first but adding more pressure with each poke.

"Jonah stop! You are hurting her!" Daniel whisper-yelled at me. Just after Cassidys eyes shot open and I immediately enveloped her in a hug. 




     Corbyn was going to stay with Cassidy for the rest of the night to comfort her. I wish it was me but Corbyn offered first. The boys and I left Cassidys room and continued our conversation, this time in Jack and I's room.  (A/N: I don't know which boy shares a room with which so I'm just gonna wing it. don't kill me XD). 

"Her dream, it was more of a flashback. It was of her past. I couldn't see much. However, from what I understand, she was tied up in a moldy, dark basement. In her dream... she was being beaten by a man. It was horrible." Jack stated slowly. Each word that came out of his mouth was filled with remorse. A low growl escaped my mouth. How could someone do this to our Cass? I can't even imagine what she went through. 

"If we are going to help and protect her, we need to know about her past." Zach stated. He had a point but that doesn't seem fair.

"If we expect Cassidy to tell us about her, we need to tell her about us." I replied. 

"You are right. How do we even go about that?" Daniel asked. To be honest I have no clue. I don't know how she is going to take the news.

"All I know is we need to make sure every possible exit out of this house is locked when we tell her. We can not lose her." I stated, putting an emphasis on 'not'. I know Cassidy is most likely going to try and run away again when we tell her. We can't lose our mate. Thats right, Cassidy is our mate. This is going to make telling her even harder.

   After we talk a little bit more we have a plan set up. Tomorrow we are going to tell her everything in hopes she will trust us and tell us everything. I already mind-linked Corbyn and told him everything. He said Cassidy was asleep again but he would stay with her in case she started remembering again. Soon after we had a plan set up everyone went to bed.  I went to sleep worrying about the next day.




This was another shorter chapter. Next chapter is going to be interesting! How do you thing Cassidy is going to take the news? What super powers should I give the other boys? Thank you so, so much for reading! (This update was 777 words) -Ivey

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