Chapter 4

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The next day....









Waaah! "O.O

"What, what?! I'm up!" I frantically said as I look around.

"Idiot. Get ready." Reiki caught my attention looking so fine.

"Eh? It's too early." I whined.

"Get on your ass. It's your fault we have to wake up this early" He said with squinted eyed on me.

"Ugh. Fine fine." I whined again as I get off of bed and went to the bathroom.

Today is the day we'll be meeting the girls.


Geez that moron. Thanks to him, I have to wake up 4:30 am cause we're meeting the girls at 7:30 am at a lounge in this hotel before heading to Incheon Football stadium.

"Hey hurry up you idiot or we'll get caught on traffic along the way!" I yelled at Jayson as I get out the room.

"Coming. Geez." He said in a whining voice and yawned.

Tch. Lazy ass.

When we reached the lounge areas, a man who looks like in his 30's or 40's greeted us by the door.

"Mr. De Borja, Mr. Tachibana." He greeted with a bow and we did the same.

"Rei, this is Mr. Park. The man I met up with last night."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." I said as I reach out my hand for a hand shake.

"Pleasure is all mine. The rumors I've heard about you really is true. You really are young." He chuckled and accepted my hand shake offer.

I only gave him a chuckle.

"So shall we meet your clients?" He asked and Jayson and I both nodded.

"Their room is this way.." he started to walk off with me and Jay following behind him.

*sighs* it's been 2 years since I've stopped accepting job requests from girls.

To be continued...

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