Jon Anderson Request

140 15 35

For twiggs3075
I'm sorry this took forever, man

*Smutty content*

It had been the end of a long, stressful night of recording for Jon. Fifty million ideas from Chris, Peter, Tony, or Bill just seemed to muddy things up.

All he wanted now was to just go home to his love, Sara, perhaps a sweet, relaxed night before he'd have to go back tomorrow and do it all over again. As he came up to the drive, a sweet scent of baking appeared to be filling to air...

He got out of his car, opened the door to his and Sara's shared home, and smiled as she lit right up at his entrance. "Jonny!" she beamed, running right over to him for a hug, "How was your day?!"

Jon shrugged and then put the smile right back on his face, "Eh, I'm glad it's over and I'm home with you, dear."

Sara took his hands and started walking him a bit further into the house, "Aw, well, in that case I'm glad you are home, too." She stopped at the kitchen, put a finger beneath his chin, and gently kissed his lips, "I hope that helps a bit."

Jon smiled sweetly, "Oh, you have no idea," before kissing her back, his reciprocation a bit more heated.

"Ooo," Sara smirked, "Perhaps you could go for a little... something more?"

"Hmm, that sounds," Jon replied through quick and sweet kisses, "Rather perfect..."

"Well, come on then!" Sara chuckled, "You don't want to be out here- in the kitchen!"

"Why not?" Jon said, his voice starting to get slightly deeper, more deliberate. "Here's as good a place as any..."

"There's windows everywhere!" Sara said, taking Jon's hands again and started walking towards their bedroom, "I'd rather not put on a show..."

Jon feigned to be upset and replied, "Well, if you insist..." and then quickly shut the bedroom door, "Now you are all mine," his lips met Sara's gently, and his hands fiddled around with the bottom of her shirt, and soon enough it was off, followed by the unhooking of her bra.

"Oh, Jonny," she muttered, her hands all up in his thick, dark hair, "I love you..."

He whispered back, "I love you too..." before trailing his kisses a bit further down on her body, adding to the feeling of tension slowly heating up in the room. Jon tore off his own shirt before going back to her, and then she slowly stepped backwards towards the bed.

"Come on, darling," Sara cried, "I want you."

"Mhm," Jon groaned, "Your wish is my command, my dear." He quickly slid off his own pants and boxers before kicking those off to the side, and did the same with Sara's jeans and panties. He let one finger into her, and her quick gasp of satisfaction only served to make him want her more. He added another, and with one more of Sara's moans, he simply couldn't help but go all the way.

He needed her.

Jon entered her slowly, and her moans only came closer and closer together. Jon speed up the speed of his movements, trying to bring her closer to an intense climax. His hands grazed over every of her body, and her hands all over his.

Soon enough, the both of them came at relatively the same time. Jon moved aside, pulling Sara under his arm for a cuddle. "Ah, Sara," he said, "You always make me feel so-so..."

"What?" she asked.

"So... I don't know, better, content, relaxed, something like that...," and then he pecked her cheek, "Something good."

"Aww," Sara smiled, "and I feel the same for you."

The two cuddled there for a while, nearly falling asleep, until Sara remembered she had, in fact, baked some cinnamon rolls a bit earlier.

Needless to say, the night ended just as sweetly as it had started.

I really hope you like this! I tried XD

At the Strand of Nightmares Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora