What We Did on Our Holidays

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First off: Thanks for all of the well wishes, you humans ❤️❤️❤️

Fairport Convention is a very good band, y'all. That's one of their grooviest albums, ya know.

The title is.


Anyways, I've decided to come back here after three days absence. (Let's just say going on four to make my break seem slightly longer.)

You know what it's like? It's like when you're at school and you have "mid winter break," but it's only like an extra Friday off....

It's not like a break like Christmas or Easter break that actually MEANS SOMETHING.

I should honestly stop this XD Like, "Y'all, I need a break..." and then two days later, "Y'all, I'm done with this break."

I think the thing that takes the cake is, "Y'all, I'm leaving Wattpad," and then several hours later, "Y'all, I'm not actually leaving Wattpad." TBH, I still feel quite bad about that.

Anywho, a couple of days ago I was actually considering, "Hmm, maybe I just want to take a break from Wattpad and never come back..." but then I was like, "Naw, I don't think I want to do that.... maybe take off a few weeks?"

And look where we are.

I am back.

I was all like, "I want to talk to some humans," and then I was all like, "Dammit.... Wattpad break..." and I was also like, "I want to write some tasty shit." CAN'T DO THAT EITHER.

I've still got to go through everyone's books, though. That will be a little bit of time.

It seems it will take a few hours until everyone actually notices I'm back because Wattpad is being an ASSHOLE again.

Wattpad, did you not get my fucking letter or something?

Oh, right. It appears you didn't.


It's okay, Wattpad. Be an asshat.

I'll get continue to blab on as per usual.


. Thing number one: On the first day, I managed to finish three books. Highly rewarding experience, mind you!

I finished the other half of Bill Bruford's book, and it was So GOOD! I might talk on it a bit later, but not at this immediate second! XD

I also read Anthem by Ayn Rand... it was okay, I suppose, but it felt highly preachy after a while. I much preferred the Fountainhead.

Finally, I read Greg Lake's book. It was overall an enjoyable read, and I would recommend it.

Then I had to read Hamlet for school, and I was just procrastinating until the last moment of break...I finally read Act III yesterday, but alas I still have questions to finish for the Act... I'll wait off until the study hall period before literature class XD

The next thing I've got to read is Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. TBH, I think I've read enough for the past couple of days XD Idk, I'll start that soon, probably.

I love good ass dystopian shit.

. Thing number two: I made some important personal revelations.

I was having some sort of mental block against being able to compose anything new, but then I found a new way to open my mind and be EXPONENTIALLY more creative...

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