What's Going On

87 14 72

Current Mood: I literally started bursting out, crying hysterically over some grapes I dropped on the ground.

So obviously terrific.

Let me back up to yesterday to explain to you exactly what happened:

When I was getting out of the parking space yesterday, I ran into the back end of a truck. My dad got out of my car, saw there was no damage to the truck, so we left in a hurry. There was a part screwed up on my car, but no functional damage.

My dad basically started yelling at me about how horrible my backing up skills are, and he told me to lie to my mom about what really happened, that I ran into a pole or something. (He was scared what my mom's reaction would be.... apparently.)

When we got home, my mom was upset, but not horribly so. By the end of the night, I felt shitty, but not cripplingly depressed or anxious or anything. 

By the time I finished up with my blog post last night, I figured that would be the end of it with my minor accident, and within a couple of days it would barely even matter.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the end of it. It just snowballed from bad to worse.

At 10:00 last night, a police officer came to my door wanting to talk to my dad and I. Apparently there was some damage to the truck (even though I swear to God I didn't see so much as a ding on it), and I would be charged with a misdemeanor for a hit and run accident.

Oh, but that's not the end of it...

My dad called up a lawyer today, and when we met with him, he was telling us there was a very good chance he wouldn't be able to remove this misdemeanor from my permanent record.

Let me get this straight: a misdemeanor is a criminal offense. Therefore, it could screw up employment opportunities, admission to grad school, application for loans, just about anything you can think of.

Now, he also said best case scenario he'd be able to get this thing down to a minor traffic violation, as I have a lot of good things in my favor. This wouldn't be too big of a deal, aside from just making insurance cost more for a few years.

Also, another possibly would be getting a misdemeanor charge that would eventually have the possibility of being removed from my record... Like it never even happened.

However, worst case scenario... yep, I'm screwed.

On top of this, my mom is fucking pissed at my dad for all of this, as it was him yelling at me to "JUST HURRY UP AND GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!" That got me into this mess. Also the fact that he lied about something that is quite obviously pretty serious.

I'm fucking pissed at him because he might have screwed me for the rest of my life.

Initially my dad was all sympathetic, and he was saying, "I'm so sorry... it's all my fault...."

Then, this afternoon, he's basically telling me, "Ann, get over it. It's not that big of a deal if you get a misdemeanor, you can't be all gloom and doom for the next few weeks."

Oh, right... and my favorite... where he's playing the victim... saying he's the one that's getting hurt because he's become a pariah in my family.

You know, maybe if you weren't a emotionally abusive and alcoholic asshole we wouldn't have these problems now, would we?

And oh, yeah... I'm sure it's real easy to tell someone else to get over something when you're not the one who might be paying for it for the rest of there life.

And oh, yeah. It's also your fault.
I could really use something funny guys...

If someone could make me a meme post... or just share a pic of a turtle, I'd be very grateful💚💚💚

I'll be okay, and I'll be here

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