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This story idea came to Oone hitonder18 and I whilst texting back and forth 👌🏻👌🏻

Enjoy, my turtles!!!

And Hannah.... I hope these stories of ours do end up bringing pleasure to our Fetish Sasquatch overlord.

Hannah and Ann had done a lot of preparation for this day. From the hours spent obtaining 100% legit journalism degrees from, to picketing outside of Rolling Stone Magazine's headquarters in New York City demanding they give them jobs, a lot had come to this moment for them... the moment when they could finally have a legitimate purpose as stalkerish fangirls.

Whoops, I mean interviewers.

Anyways, they set up shop for the first group of interviews, and that was that.

Now they waited for the boys to come in....
"Mikael, I don't know know why we're doing this, do you?" I asked, peering nervously over my glasses at the sign on the door- it read "Rolling Stone Headquarters." Very descriptive title... my respects.

Mikael took a deep breath, and in his deep Swedish-accented voice he replied, "Honestly, I have no clue why, Steven. All I know is, when this interview was brought to my attention, it seemed like a somewhat good idea. Supporting young people in the music industry, and all."

"Yeah... but they're journalists. And they work for ROLLING FUCKING STONE. Those people hate me!!" I pulled my head under the comfort of my hoodie, but I was still really scared... You never know how these music magazine people would tear into an innocent prog rocker like me.

"I'm sure they don't hate you, Steven," Mikael muttered before looking over his shoulder. "Say, who are these two blokes coming up to us?"
""Ey, Miles, this is the place, right?" my mate, Alex, said, awkwardly running right into the curb of the street as he stared at the top of the building.

Like that's going to help you locate anything...

"I don't know, but it looks sufficiently like a music magazine company," I replied with a smirk.

"Ah, great description there, Miles," Alex chuckled, still staring at the top of the top of the building, "Wait, I see a sign! This is the place."

"Whew... I didn't want to have to go all the way up this street looking for one fucking building. Then again, we might have found some nice hot dogs..." I sighed. Mm, hot dogs...

"Eh, all of those hot dogs are probably infested with disease and shit," some bloke with his head stuffed in a hoodie said.

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