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Current Listening Pleasure: Switched on Bach- Wendy Carlos

*See several chapters ago in which I rave about this album.

In reference to the title: Yes, sometimes I do, in fact, eat sushi.

Other times I eat spaghetti.

Still others I like a nice taco.

I will not refuse a veggie burger when offered. I quite fancy them, really.

Stroganoff is pretty bomb.

I'm sorry, it's late at night and I'm being strange.

*See the previous chapter in which I take it upon myself to be..... cRiticaL.

So, what has happened today?

1. I took a shower.

2. I spent a couple of hours practicing.

I'm kind of proud of myself, in that I feel I like practicing much more then I used to. The more I like it and actually do it, the less likely my parents and organ teacher are to want to kill me! (Rant worthy story later on, btw)

Enjoy this random explanation of my practice schedule:
. Spend like thirty to forty minutes warming up... remember, I've got still got the tendinitis, so I really want to make sure my hands are nice and loosened up before I actually start playing.

It's kind of like musical foreplay, I guess.

. Spend about another half hour to forty minutes practicing my easier pieces, which right now include "Moonlit Meadows" by Sergei Prokofiev and "Moonlight Sonata" by Beethoven.

. Spend however damn long I feel like spending on my hard piano piece. Depending on my level of self confidence/desire to continue playing at this point, it could be anywhere from ten minutes to forty, even fifty minutes.

Again, at this point, my hard piece is "Prelude in C# Minor" by Sergei Rachmaninoff.

Fun fact: If Sergei Rachmaninoff himself heard me playing this, he'd probably slap me across the face for the disgrace I am inflicting upon his music.

Well, he probably wouldn't actually do that, but he'd WANT to.

Okay, let's rephrase that to: I want to slap myself for how bad it sounds.

It's not my fault, though, that literally everything this man composed was HARD AS HELL.

 At this point, I take on

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. At this point, I take on..... THE ORGAN. UGHHHH

I fucking hate organ so damn much, TBH XD

3. I wrote a story I'm actually kind of proud of, so yay...

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