New Day Yesterday

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Current Listening Pleasure: Lola (NOT WRITING OUT THE WHOLE ALBUM TITLE) by the Kinks.

Damn... I've kind of realized in the last couple of days how much I love these guys. One of the bands I hardcore got into after The Who, and unlike The Who, I never actually got out of the Kinks.

This is weird... and tell me if possibly you relate...

So, I enjoy listening to The Who. Don't get me wrong. Like, someone can pop on a Who song on the radio, and I'll enjoy it, and I'll also low key be surrounded by flashbacks of being an idiot fourteen year old but that's beside the point XD

The thing, for me the idea of willingly popping on their music is virtually unthinkable. Like, I'd never flip through my music and ACTUALLY play The Who. I'll just think of the old days when I'd listen to nothing BUT The Who. The fact is, perhaps I burned myself out of them for a lifetime... I listened to them SO MUCH then that I'll never really feel a need to ever hear them again.

Anyhow, it's odd...

On a second note, my boobs hurt like hell.

I fucking hate my boobs. Literally all they do for me is cause pain and frighten me into thinking there's something wrong with me.


Let's totally change the topic.

(Briefly want to mention the fact of how comical Ray Davies's saltiness can be, TBH 😂😂)

The title is an absolutely wonderful Jethro Tull song... kind of bluesy.

Did y'all know I liked that band? Crazy, amirite??

Funny story from earlier today...

So, my dad and I were listening to the album Stand Up by Jethro Tull. He went off on some self-important yarn about how wonderful it is that their songs are literally NEVER sexual in nature.


Let's talk about this virtuous, nonsexual band, shall we???

The song 'Sossity-You're a Woman Now' is literally about a young guy fucking an older prostitute and feeling he's outgrown her.

'Cross-Eyed Mary' is also about a prostitute.

'Hunting Girl' is about some country bumpkin dude that meets some fancy ass girl from (let's say fancier Celtic tribe because this is JT, after all.), and they engage in some freaky sex. The dude feels he's not good enough for her and leaves her.

There's other examples but this is what I think of now at 11:00 at night.


I mean... come on.


I love Jethro Tull I just wanted to say that again.

John Evan is a pure boi that is also extremely beautiful.

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