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I'm just saying, on multiple occasions I've used this phrase and I'm not even sorry how stereotypical it sounds:

. Harry Potter Series
. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
. War and Peace
. Probably others but I just can't THINK

In all cases I loved the movie, but I just liked the book better, ya know?

On another note, Fiddler on the Roof is just a perfect musical and anyone who disagrees with me can seriously go fuck a turtle.

It combines so many of my favorite things!

. Music!
. Jewish culture!
. Russia!
. The Russian revolution (sort of... it hints at the beginnings of it....)
. Okay literally I just love this musical 👌👌

Btw I just think the Russian revolution is a fascinating part of history don't judge, k?

I mean, it's not like you guys knew I was interested in Russia at all.



I'm just gonna assume we were talking about turkey vultures. See, the problem with that is that turkey vultures are actually quite boring in conversation, so therefore we are done talking about them.



So, first thing was I went out for a run.... after convincing my dad it was safe by bringing a thing of fucking pepper spray with me.

I'm not joking, y'all... literally the whole time I was running I had pepper spray bouncing in between my boobs because I didn't actually know what to do with it...

Which is also funny because my boobs are a joke.

Anyways, I own pepper spray...

Afterward I watched YouTube, and then I practiced piano while my dad went out and got lunch.... brought back fucking fast food.

I know he was just trying to feed me and all, but I just really hate fast food.

. It's greasy and fattening as hell
. It's got meat in it
. I feel like I've gained twenty pounds every time I eat it

Can't I just have a nice salad with some fruit or something???

Ooo.... or maybe soup. I like soup.


See, y'all. This is what happens when you fail at being assertive.

After lunch I went to piano lesson, and when I got home my dad took a nap for work, at which point both my left hip and left feet instep SERIOUSLY starting hurting.... not fun.

Not much more exciting after that except for me having a mild attack of anxiety this evening, but other than that, we're up to right now.

Also, yesterday I went to that organ performance which was fun!

Okay, THAT is all.

Ugh....  I do feel pretty stressed right now about various things. Not fun. Oh well....

Other than that I'm good. How are you guys?
I was on this one website run by these two really cool and funny violin player guys, and when you first come to the site, it asks if you practiced today. If you didn't, it brings you to this:

 If you didn't, it brings you to this:

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