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Imagine: Instead of this girl is on fire- this girl is a stoner👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

So, quickie blogging.

1. I bathed.

2. At the underclassmen retreat today, I was assuming it was going to be all nice, quiet, and Jesusy, right?


(Onehitwonder18 ) I was walking past the activity center where apparently a retreat was going on, but all I heard sounded like a KIDDIE RAVE was going on.

I mean, there was rave music playing, obviously some dancing and shouting, and just generally, it sounded SUPER lit.

Like.... this? This is a Catholic retreat?
Well, okay then....

I'm really not looking forward to my retreat, though. It's in a couple of weeks and I have to go away from home for three days, I can't take my phone or iPad or anything, and I really don't know what's going to happen.

I am anticipating I'm probably just going to cry. I'm good for that👌🏻👌🏻

3. My dad had this surgery done on his finger, and afterward we all went out to this really nice Chinese restaurant. I love Chinese food, hbu?

4. I picked out a new ream of manuscript paper at my piano lesson today because:

A. I want to compose.
B. I need to write said compositions down.
C. I hate using apps, but I don't want to write in my theory notebook.

So yay! I officially have my own notebook for composing music!

5. So.... funny story.

In art class, this girl was dabbing some essential oil on her wrist, and at first she liked the scent, and then she was all like, "Ew.... this smells like cow manure."

And then I'm all like, "Ugh, it's giving me a headache!"

So yeah.

The point is: Don't use essential oils, kids.

6. So, me and my music teacher at school have a running joke over how I can NEVER pronounce Arnold Schöenberg's name right.

Well, today I was mentioning something pertaining to Alexander Scriabin, but I totally BUTCHERED his name. (It's Russian... what do you expect? Trust me, it's not said how you think it should be pronounced.... it's really weird.)

Anyways, he was super amused by this, in the context that I never say Schöenberg's name right, either.

But then, I mentioned something about Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov, and he was like, "Ah, Ann! You said that beautifully!"

So there you go XD At least I can say ONE of their names right!

But yeah, I thought it was funny!

Ah, well. That's that for the night👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

 That's that for the night👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

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The religion I should join, obviously.

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