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And I'll ask,
If only for a moment.
To leave me be.
Don't try to find me,
Awash among roses.
The land my mind had created...
So long ago.

There I'll be,
Rose in one hand,
Eyes closed.
The winds,
How they washed over,
Pushing aside the loose fabric of my clothes.

There you'd be,
Somewhere far away,
Maybe in some city,
Some unknown place.
Far, far, away.
My heart never longed for you,
Though so far away,
Because my heart was satisfied by the roses of my youth.

Fair roses, I lay,
Lay me down, fair rose.
I'll lay here for just a while longer,
Lost among the roses.

If I lay here long enough,
Maybe the sounds of the winds of my head,
Could take over your asinine laughter.
Or maybe, just maybe,
The scent of the sweet summer air,
Could distract me from the stench of this old house.

I mustn't think too much,
Here with my roses.
Only it's just that,
It's just I can't make my mind stop and just be.
But it's only what the roses ask, of course:
To live in their sweet, sweet, moment,
If only for a little while.

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