Mark Knopfler Imagine #1 [Imagines and Crack(Cocaine)]

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For SneakingShashi :) hope you enjoy!
December, 1984
Monserrat- The Caribbean Islands

You'd been with your boyfriend, Mark Knopfler, for the past couple of years, so clearly you were used to the usual rigamarole of touring, recording, and all of that good stuff that comes with the territory of dating a famous musician. However, a few months ago Mark decided to announce something a little... different...

"Say, (y/n)," he said smoothly, "How would you like to go with me on a little trip?"

"Oh?" and you instantly perked up, setting aside the book you'd been reading, "Where are you thinking of?"

"See, me and the boys were hoping to record our next album in Monserrat, in the Caribbean Islands..."

"Yes, yes, I know where they are!" you smirked, "And... you actually want to take me with you? This isn't.... 'your latest trick?', is it?"

"Oh course I do, love!" Mark replied with slight indignation, "'Why worry' about my honesty? This is no trick!"

You sighed, "I just wanted to be sure... Well, I suppose it'd be kind of fun to travel 'so far away' with you, ya know?"

"Yes, most certainly! Now, obviously I will be quite busy with the actual recording and such, but I will make sure to spend plenty of quality time with you while we are there! Now, it will be a few months done the line, but make sure you have everything ready to go for then."

Just in that moment, it hit you... yes, your boyfriend was actually asking you to go on a fabulous tropical vacation with him... How romantic is that?? So, with that, you threw your arms around his neck and squealed, "Oh, thank you so much for bringing me with you, Markie..."

And so that was then.

The few months had passed, and here you were, together, on Monserrat. However, it hardly felt like you were together ninety percent of the time. He'd leave your cabin early in the morning, go off to the studio, and then be home late in the evening.... some nights past midnight.... if at all.

You tried to understand, really you did. You knew that the process was a lot of work, but God, wouldn't it be nice to have but a piece of what was promised before you went on this trip?

It all really occurred to you as you sat on the beach, lazily laying on the sand, how it had all transpired. This morning he left even earlier then before...


Various negative thoughts kept on filling your head as you lay down.

'How was this worth it?'
'I was better off in England...'
'Why won't he spend just a little time with me?'

You kept on trying to block them out, but the harder you tried, the more they came...

Before you could become too engrossed in these thoughts, however, you heard an odd whistling noise come from behind you. "Psst, look over here!" someone said, and sure enough, you did so, and saw Mark's bandmate, John Illsley, waving over to you, "Come here, (y/n)! I've been looking around for you for the past half hour!"

You chuckled, "This island isn't that huge, John."

"Pfft... speak for yourself. Anyways, Mark and the boys had something they all wanted you to see, so naturally I had to come get you. Trust me, there's plenty of places to hide around here!"

"Anyways...." you were trying to cover up the slightest of amusement at this point, "You are one of the boys, so wouldn't you know what the surprise is?"

"Maybe..." John said slyly, "Anyways, come with me." And with that, you both walked along until you finally reached the studio, and when you got there, you had no clue what to make of it all.

Photographs. Of. Home. Everywhere.

"Hey, love!" Mark started awkwardly. His beginning seemed to the other guys to be some sort of cue to scoot out before he continued, "So, um, I really have no clue how to make it in to you, I mean... I dragged you here with me a month ago and just kind of left you on your own... even though I said that wasn't what I was going to do...."

"That's right," you said mildly passive aggressively, "That's exactly what you said you wouldn't do...."

"Yeah, so... I can only say we all got a bit... carried away."

Looking at the random photographs everywhere, it was hard to tell if he meant with the album or with the interior design.

"Anyhow, I just wanted to bring a little bit of home to you... I mean, I think it's hard for you, eh, even if it is kind of a vacation?

You sighed and muttered, "Yep, very... no friends, no-"

Mark coughed and continued, "Yes, yes, I see, I see... And no boyfriend, right?"


"Well, I can't promise everything to you, but what I will promise is that I will be here. I don't want to engross myself so much in all of this that I'm not here at all to simply enjoy this with you."

"What do you mean, exactly?"

"I mean, I'm saying I won't be working every working hour for the next few days. How does a day off spending it on the beaches sound to you, or maybe I can give you a tour around this studio that me and the other guys decorated special for you..."

"It sounds wonderful," you replied softly, looking around at all of the pictures fixed upon the walls... thinking about the wonderful memories with Mark. "When could we do that, perhaps?"

"Well, you know, I was actually thinking we might as well try that now," he said with a smile.

"I'd like that," you replied.

And so, for you two, the rest of the day was spent going about the studio, talking about the good times while also talking about the good times to come.

*The End*

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