Tale of the Loofah Part Two

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Again, featuring sstarrisonqueer and ThreeGaysGrace

Wii, I hope you dig this proper conclusion👌🏻
So, all was going relatively wonderful for Anaria, Wii, and their sentient Loofah child, but it did seem like something was... wrong.

"Anaria," Wii started, "Is it just me, or does it seem like something is....wrong?"

"Yes, love," Anaria said, "It does seem like something is.... wrong."

"I wonder what this thing is that is...wrong," Wii inquired.

"I have no clue," Anaria sighed, contemplating whatever it is that was...wrong, "However, is it...wrong that we keep speaking in ellipsis before the word...wrong?"

"I don't know if it's...wrong, but it's certainly weird," Wii chuckled.

*at which point unnecessary ellipses were barred from the story*

"Anyways," Anaria said, "What do you think it might possibly be that's off? I mean, I have you, I have Victor Hugo. What more could we need?"

(The Loofah's name is Victor Hugo. Fun FYI.)

"I think we need a new home base, you know?" Wii said, "Like, as much as I love things the way they are, I don't want to live in Poland anymore."

"I feel you, love," Anaria whispered, "Is there anywhere in particular you would like to go?"

Everyone, including Victor Hugo, said in unison, "Narnia!" But then the chilling realization hit them: Narnia isn't real.

But hey, this is slowly turning into even more of a crack fic than it was to start off with, so to hell with it. They are moving to Narnia.

"But Anaria, wouldn't that cost a lot of money?" Wii said.

"Hey, we can raise some money!" Anaria replied.

"How, exactly, do you anticipate on doing that, Anaria?" Wii asked. But then, the both of them looked over in the corner, and sure enough, the sentient Loofah Child was hard at work making one of his pottery pieces.

Anaria smiled a wide smile and said, "Isn't it obvious? We sell Victor Hugo's pottery, perhaps even start a traveling roadshow.... 'Victor— The Pottery-Making LOOFAH!' I can see it now! He'll be the biggest, most famous loofah in all the world! Then, we'll get enough money to finally run away to Narnia together!"

Wii thought for a moment before continuing, "Wait, are you suggesting whoring out our Loofah child for money?"

"No, I'm merely suggesting exploiting his natural talents for our collective monetary gain.... WAIT, I see what you mean..."

Both of them spent the next few hours trying to think of another way to get some fast cash, but frankly, the best they could think of was for the whole family to work a week's worth of 24-hour shifts managing a McDonalds together, so it seemed Victor Hugo's pottery was the best option.

And so it happened.... within two days, Anaria and Wii were selling tickets like wildfire for the 'Victor—The Pottery-Making Loofah show. Soon after a few sold out nights in Krakow, they crossed borders into Germany and hit up Berlin, then Rome, then London, Paris, New York City, Las Angeles, Pig-Knuckle, Arkansas....


But oh, how they all loved it. Every night, they were practically rolling in cash from the thousands of people lining up to see the sentient Loofah Child make a few vases and other such implements. And the fame! They all loved it, particularly Victor Hugo... it was amazing for them to be the talk of the two wherever they went... to always be on the news... to always get the VIP treatment... 

However, one day, before a show in Sydney, Australia, Anaria said, "Say, Wii, weren't we supposed to be doing something else... like, after a few of these shows we wanted to go somewhere else?"

"Holy shit, that's right!" Anaria exclaimed, and in a flash, they all hopped into a random closet (they didn't have any fancy ass Wardrobes), and they were instantly transported to Narnia.

And with that, Wii and Anaria lived happily ever after in luxury in Narnia with their lovable Loofah Child, and they'd often think back to their days of fame and glory, touring the world with the pottery making Loofah.,,

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