Love in Russia

37 15 25

Requested by: Anaria.

This story features ThreeGaysGrace and starrisonqueer ... except in Russia... and genderbent.

Anaria as: Vladimir
Wii as: Viktor

It's a semi melodramatic Russian period piece. Hope you dig.
In the motherland, Russia: Yekaterinburg

There was clamor on the streets of Yekaterinburg, or so they said, around the turn of the century. See, every day, there would be one young gentleman coming out the door, and then about an hour later, another gentleman would do the same.

At first it was believed that the two were brothers, and others would then figure roommates. However, it became clear, after a while, that the two men were something far more then any ordinary roommate, and no, friend couldn't even come close to covering it, either.

To be a fly on the wall, though... to know the truth of what really transpired behind the walls of that Yekaterinburg flat...

"Ah, Viktor!" the one man said, "Shall we have a toast?"

Victor brought out two literal slices of rye bread toast and replied, "And to what are we eating toast for?" And the both of them laughed heartily.

"Breakfast, silly!" he chuckled, "And also it being a year in this blasted flat and they suspect NOTHING."

And they laughed yet again, looking over to the corner of the room where a little loofah sat innocently. Viktor started again, "Ah, what is there to see in this flat, anyways? Just us, some food, Loofah, couple of chairs. And of course, the bed."

"Yes, cannot forget that. Oh," and Vladimir finished off the last of the toast, "We need to get more bread from the bakery down the street!"

"Dammit, you're right," Viktor sighed, walking over to gentle cradle the loofah. "Well, I got it last time... you get it."

"No u."

"FINE," Viktor sassed, "I mean, we could, of course, go together..."

Vladimir perked up, "YOU DON'T HAVE TO ASK ME TWICE."

The two of them walked out the door of their shared flat in the most straight way possible whilst proceeding to go down to the bakery. They bought the bread and headed back home.

This time felt different then every time before it, though. Normally they didn't even think twice about the people going about their day, but something just didn't feel the same.

Vladimir sighed and said, "Viktor... what do you think... what would you say if we leave all of these silly people behind..."

"What do you mean?" Viktor replied, "And where would we go?"

"Oh, I don't know... Vladivostok... London, New York... anywhere..."

"Hey, I'd go anywhere... so long as it's with you. And if they accept Loofah children, of course."

"How could they not love the Loofah child?"

"Haha, fair point..."

Shortly after this intriguing conversation on the streets of Yekaterinburg, the couple did move... somewhere. 😉

Ah, but to where... 'tis for another story

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