'Tis the End of the Year

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Imma gonna do one of those "end of the year" posts cause why not.

It is 3:17 here in this immediate moment, and 2018 shall be here in less then nine hours (for me, for some it already is).

Anyways, here's to the end of 2017.

Hey, it wasn't nearly as bad as 2016 was, so that's a positive.

Anywho, here's a rundown of my year in a nutshell.

1. I ended my junior year of high school, and began my Senior year. Senior year is quite awesome, my humans👌🏻

2. I started off the year obsessed with glam rock, and now I have taken my place as the prog rock mum.

I am extremely proud for corrupting a whole bunch of my friends into said music.

3. I went on vacation to Hershey, Pennsylvania and Washington D.C, and both were incredibly fun experiences.

4. I went to seven concerts: U2 (twice), The Who, the Zombies, Queen, King Crimson, and Paul McCartney.

5. There was the whole "friend ratting me out for cutting" thing that happened, and I feel much stronger for it.

6. I made many more friends on here then I had at the start of the year, and that is simply awesome❤️❤️

I love you all! ❤️❤️

7. I've attained a deeper appreciation for classical music then I had at the start of the year, and that is groovy.

8. I met Duane, and he turned me into a a sock.


10. Quinton took up residence in my home.

My memory is shit, so I can't remember most of what happened.

Either that or I'm too lazy to go back in my memory banks and recall what actually happened.

Anywho, Merry New Year.

I will be spending New Years at home. My mum will be asleep, most likely, so I'll just be alone in my bedroom, probably looking at memes, writing, or some shit.

Duane is going out partying with his new girlfriend, Diane.

Quinton is doing.... idk, whatever Quinton does.

Happy New Year to all, and to all a good night!

At the Strand of Nightmares Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant