Billy vs. Billy vs. Bill

94 14 149

Inspired by a conversation with Onehitwonder18 and blue1988

Enjoy, y'all!
"You little arsehole," Idol snapped, a faux sneer crossing his handsome face, "You really think you could take me on?" With a crack of the knuckles, turn of the neck, and slight bearing of the teeth, Billy wasn't ready to pretend like he was just messing around.

"Yeah, I do!" Joel replied, a look of intense displeasure crossing his eyes, "I didn't learn how to box for nothing!" Billy punched the fist of his right hand into his open left hand a few times-it was clear Billy wasn't messing around either.

The two men faced each other, staring right at one another, ready to take the other on.

Joel face palmed, "Wait, so we are going to go through with this?"

Idol sighed, a slight look of disdain of this awkwardness coming over him, "Do we have another choice?"

"It's official," Joel muttered, "It's going to be a Billy battle to the death. Our wives put us up to this..."


"Whoops, sorry," Joel chuckled, "Until one Billy decides to give up."

"So," Idol inquired, "If we have to have a Billy battle, how do we do this thing?"

Idol's enthusiastic wife, Heron, shouted from across the room, "Take your shirts off! If you guys are going to box or wrestle or jitsu or whatever you can't wear shirts!"

"Actually, I think they do wear shirts in martial arts," Billy replied, carefully contemplating the necessity of taking his shirt off.

"That is irrelevant at the moment!" Hannah sassed, "Now take off your damn shirt and show everyone what a Brilliant Billy Battle Boy you are!"

Heron pushed a strand of long, blonde hair from her face in an exceptionally sassy fashion, "You mean how much mine is a Brilliant Billy Battle Boy."

Idol gave her a pleased wink and said, "Thanks, babe," before returning his focus back to Joel. This didn't even seem, well, fair.... Billy just seemed so... sweet?

However, Billy Joel balled up his right hand into a hard fist first, grabbed Idol's shoulder, and quickly thrusted a punch right into his six pack. "Now you throw one," Joel whispered.

"Like this?" Idol smirked, quickly thrusting one right back at Billy, sending him back a couple steps.

He wasn't ready, y'all.

"Ah, so that's how it's going to be!!" Joel squeaked, "Okay, so we're like, doing this for real!"

"Yeah, mate!" Idol replied with a devious smile, "You've got to remember, I was just a punky kid from England..."

"And I was just an angry young man from New York City," Billy replied with an equally devious smile.

"And I was just a rich kid who went to boarding school in England," a new face said as he came into the light of the room, revealing a sort of tough looking guy with blonde curly hair, "So, like, me and Idol are kind of the same, right? I mean, we're both English.... oh, shoot, I'm definitely screwing myself aren't it?"

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