If I Could Change to L I Q U I D

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For anyone that saw the post from earlier... I'm really, genuinely sorry about my dramatic bull. Y'all have problems, and I shouldn't be acting so self-absorbed in mine.

Again... I'm very sorry.
Current Listening Pleasure: Lamb Lies Down on Broadway.

Fun fact: for the longest time, the Lamb cover was actually my profile pic.... maybe I ought to do a throwback one of these days and change it back to the Lamb cover.

Let's see... how long was it there? I want to say June of 2016 to the December... then it changed to David Bowie.

Before that it wasn't anything XD Just the default lil blue guy.

But yeah, this has got to be one of my favorite prog albums, still... so important for my personal musical development.

Hmm, tonight appears to be the night of "double album prog albums..." First Tales from Topographic Oceans, then this XD God, I love prog so much.

But you didn't know that.


Robert Fripp: There's no way they wouldn't know that, you talk about us all the time.

Me: My apologies, Robert.

Fripp: No, keep it up, dearie.

Tony Levin: I think I should be appreciated more in the new year.


Tony: Not as much as him *points to Chris Squire*

Chris: *spits out a doughnut* Hmm??

Me: I love you, Chris! Now return to your doughnut, please.

Chris: Okay, fine.... *chows down on his tasty fishy doughnut*

Carl Palmer: We have doughnuts?!

Chris: I have doughnuts! *protects his doughnuts* 

Bill Bruford: So do I. And you can't taste the bitterness in mine.

Fripp: Oh, but there is a nice, tasty spice you got going on called "ego," I see.

Bruford: Bugger off. *protects his doughnuts*

Me: Bill, can I have one of those doughnuts you've got there?

Bruford: *winks* I think the question should be-do I want some of your-

Jon Anderson: Ewww! Get a room! I'll handle News Years from here!

*le things happen*

Ian Anderson: I think the best Anderson should be in charge from here.

Jon: *looks over angrily* Excuse me?

Ian: Umm, never mind... *steals a Fish doughnut*

John: WHOO!! Party!!

Ian: *downs some chilled ale* Keyboardists, amirite??

Rick: *downs even more chilled ale* Oh, I know, right? *winks* They are the worst.

Tony Kaye: Speak for yourself!

Tony Banks: Nope, nope... they are right *looks over his grandma-level sweater collection*

Peter Gabriel: I AM AMAZING.

Kevin Ayers: Aren't you, honey....

Keith Emerson: *downs even more chilled ale then Rick and Ian combined* I'D LIKE TO THINK I'M THE BEST AMONG EVERYONE HERE.

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