Banana Blue

70 13 59

Current Listening Pleasure: Candy-O- the Cars

This is some good ass shit, right here👌🏻👌🏻


So, just a few random, quick comments...

1. We had the pep rally today at school, and that was fun! I got to play in one of the games.

2. I got this HORRIBLE nosebleed in Orchestra class today... By the time I got to the office (yep, I had to go to the office for this little asshole), I was a mess.

By mess, I mean we're talking blood saturating a paper towel I was using to absorb the blood, blood covering my hands, blood all over my face, blood in my teeth, blood on my clothes...

I mean, it was awful.... the people in the office were all like "What the hell......"

And I'm like, "No! No! It's just a nosebleed...."

But, yeah... my nose bleeds both often, and heavily...

After the ordeal, I felt like I had just given a blood transfusion.... DRAINED.

I feel much better now, though, now that my body has had a chance to recover a bit from earlier.

3. So, I told my friend at school about my Shrek m-preg fanfic, and she thinks it's just about the greatest thing since sliced bread XD

It's amusing that it's become a sort of memey joke between us now.


4. In my piano lesson today, we were talking about Rachmaninoff again, ya know, because I'm working on one of his pieces.

Anywho, my teacher mentioned something about his massive hand size again.

My dirty mind took over and I nearly burst out laughing. I didn't, though.... thank God.

It went from "massive hand size" to...

Massive ""hand"" size... *nudge nudge wink wink*

Then, if that wasn't enough, she was talking all about his hard touch, intensity, etc....


Leave it to my mind to turn this seemingly normal music situation into something highly sexual.

Ugh.... I'm so weird.

I'll pack myself off now, I believe.

5. I took a shower today.

Just like every day.
I'm concluding with this amusing photo of the Cars....

Ben looks stoned

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Ben looks stoned.
Elliot looks like he's about to toss his cookies.
David just doesn't know what he's doing.
Ric is kind of lurking in the back.
Who's the random smiley guy?!?!?!
Greg doesn't know what to make of that award from....



Okay, I need to take a sleep now XD

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