Lines in My Hand

60 17 36

Current listening pleasure: ELO... I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE THEM IN A COUPLE DAYS
Chapter title is an Opeth song... who's surprised?

Not I.

Anyways... I'll get to notifications later today... BUT NOT NOW, ASS BITCH

I'm not calling my readers ass bitches, btw. I'm calling Quinton an ass bitch... that little muddafucker is calling me a lazy bitch for not going through my notifications.

Note: I'm not suicidal... the story I wrote two days ago was not related to myself or any personal experiences. It's an idea that's been going in my mind for over a year.


Blog update because idk why. People may or may not care about my pathetic little life.

1. I've decided to switch out of my math class in college into music history... because that's what I was advised to do. But hey, I'm really excited to take music history, so it's all good!

Perhaps next semester I can take math 👌🏻

2. We had this crazy hippie dippie who wasn't wearing shoes at my work a couple of days ago... I mean, this woman WAS NOT WEARING SHOES IN A PUBLIC PLACE

3. I've decided to quit my job....

Yep, trust me, I feel like a pretty pathetic bitch over this, too.

The thing is, I just feel like I do need to have some time to, you know, make sure my grades stay in reasonable shape...

I'm terrified to tell my boss about this... halp.

Idk... I just don't see any conceivable way I can balance my course load, practice schedule, and a job, particularly during my first semester.

Besides, I kind of want a social life.

And I kind of don't want to have a mental breakdown.

Ugh... I still hate myself.

4. Sort of related... apparently there's some internship my advisor wants me to consider for music ministry. Two reasons there's no way in hell I'll do it:

A. I'm going to do everything in my power to NEVER become a music minster.

B. I'm literally quitting my job over fears of being overloaded... why do you think I'd take on an internship?

I just feel really bad about this.


Outside of here, two things:


Honestly... I can't wait for fall, so I put together a collection of songs that give me autumnal vibes...

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