Chapter 4 ~ My Idols

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I woke up in a strange room. It was huge. I was laying on a queen sized bed. I went to sit up but a pounding headache came. I forced myself through the pain and sat up. To my right there was a window overlooking a huge yard. Looking forward I saw a bathroom. Then to my right I saw a door. I flung my legs over the side of the bed and walked over to the door.

I cautiously opened the door. I took a step out but I bumped into someone. I quickly backed up back into the room. I looked up at the person who stood in front of me. I was looking at none other than Josh Dun. My breath caught in my throat as I looked at him. I backed up another step but I accidentally tripped over the corner of the bed. I fell over but the whole time my eyes never left Josh. Pretty soon Tyler Joseph came too. They stood side by side and my eyes widened.

"Y-your, b-but, T-Tyler a-a-and J-Josh," I stammered. Tyler and Josh kidnapped me. Fear flooded through me. What could they want with me? This is a situation I would dream about. It was something I would write fan fictions about. But now that it was actually happening I was terrified.

"She's finally awake," Tyler exclaimed. They both came over to me and crouched down. "I don't believe we caught your name."

I didn't respond. I felt more tears run down my face. I scooted back more but was stopped by the wall behind me.

"I asked you a question," Tyler said.

"V-Violet," I whispered.

"Violet. That's a nice name. So, Violet, why are you so scared of us?" Tyler questioned. To me that sounded like a stupid question. They kidnapped me. Why shouldn't I be afraid?

I didn't respond. I looked down and refused to make eye contact. I was too afraid to speak.

"Hey, it's okay," Josh soothed. "We're not going to hurt you."

"Let's leave her alone for now. Let her calm down," Tyler said. Josh nodded and they both stood up. I watched as they both walked out and closed the door behind them. As soon as they left I ran over to the window. I tried opening it but it wouldn't budge. So I ran to the door and locked it. Then I ran back over to the window and punched it. The glass instantly cracked. So I hit it again, this time harder. The glass shattered to tiny peices and blood oozed out of my knuckles. I heard footsteps running up the stairs so I quickly climbed out the window. I was now on top of the roof, trying to find the safest way down.

I heard someone pounding on the bedroom door. Instead of taking the safest way down I took the quickest. I quickly jumped off the roof and tumbled onto the ground. I was extremely ungraceful with the landing and I hurt my foot. As I stood up pain shot through me. My foot hurt extremely badly. I tried as much as possible to push through the pain. I started running towards the tree line that wasn't to far off. Once I made it to the trees I heard the front door open. I quickly ran to the trees and tried to stay hidden. Then I saw a large tree. So I quickly climbed up it. I got about halfway up before I sat down in a branch. Tears escaped my eyes, this time not from fear, but from pain. My foot throbbed in pain.

I heard footsteps running through the forest. I hugged the tree as I looked down. Josh stood underneath the tree and Tyler shortly followed.

"Where do you think she went?" Josh asked.

"I don't know," Tyler sighed. "This forest is huge. She could be anywhere."

Then my foot slipped, breaking a branch beneath me. I slid down the tree until I hit another branch. Fear pulsed through me. Tyler and Josh both looked up and stared at me.

"Violet, come down," Josh said gently.

My foot hurt to bad. And on top of that my kuckles were bloody and painful. "I-I c-c-can't," I stuttered. Tears welled in my eyes. I couldn't get down.

Tyler sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Hold on. We'll help you. Just don't move," he instructed. I nodded my head weakly.

Josh and Tyler both began to climb up the tree. Pretty soon Josh reached me and Tyler stood below Josh.

"Come on," Josh extended his hands. "We'll help you down."

I looked at his hand skeptically. They were the reason I ran in the first place. But I also didn't want to be stuck in a tree. I looked at the ground and suddenly felt dizzy. My fear of heights was coming back.

"You have to trust us," Josh said.

Finally, I nodded and took his hand. He helped me down to the next branch. Then Tyler helped me to the next. Josh climbed down below me and the cycle continued. Finally I was on the last branch. They both stood at the bottom and helped me down.

Once I was on the ground I felt one of them hug me. At first I tensed up. But then I gave up. I cried into his chest. Tyler walked over and picked me up bridal style. They both walked as Tyler carried me back. I faced him and continued crying. I hated crying. It made me feel weak. I hated myself.

Kidnapped by Twenty Øne PiløtsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora