Chapter 22 ~ Marathon

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Tomorrow was my birthday. Great. I sat on the couch and stared at the tv. Pretty soon Tyler and Josh came over and sat down next to me.

"Wanna have a movie marathon?" Josh asked.

"Sure. You guys can pick the movies," I shrugged. They both vanished for a moment before returning with a stack of movies. Josh put in a movie and they both sat by me on the couch. I was in the corner so Tyler was next to me and Josh was next to Tyler. The movie they put in was the first Saw movie. "Did you guys seriously pick horror movies?!" I exclaimed.

"Not all, just most," Tyler chuckled.

"I'm terrible with horror movies!" I groaned.

"You said we could pick," Josh shrugged.

I glared at them both as they started the movie. This was not going to be fun.


The movie wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was still enough to creep me out though. And, of course, like all movies, my favorite character died. I walked into the kitchen where Josh was making sandwiches. Tyler followed shortly after.

"Hey, I'm going to pick up some snacks and stuff at the store," Tyler informed. "Is there any special requests?"

"Nope," I said. Josh shook his head.

"Okay. I'll be back," he waved. I waved and watched as he walked out the door. As soon as he left I turned towards Josh.

"So," I said, leaning on the kitchen counter. "You and Misty."

I could see Josh's face turn a light shade of pink. "What about us?"

"What do you think of Misty?" I pressed.

"Oh, uh, she's cool," he said shyly.

"Come on! That was literally the lamest response you could think of!" I complained.

"What do you want me to say? That I love her hair and gentle eyes? That I love her sense of humor and kindness? That I-," he stopped when he realized what he was saying. His face turned a slightly brighter shade.

"That's adorable. You two need to become an official couple," I smirked.

"And she seems to think the same about you and Tyler," Josh winked.

I fake gaged. "She told me that she was going to help me and Tyler get together, and no wasn't an option."

Josh chuckled. "Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as you think," he shrugged.

I rolled my eyes. "Not you too. Come on, are you forgetting you guys kidnapped me?"

"And are you forgetting we also saved you multiple times," he responded.

"But you wouldn't have needed to save me if you didn't kidnap me," I said.

"Suit yourself," Josh shrugged. "But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see you have feelings for Tyler."

There was a long moment of silence. "What's going on in here," a voice behind me asked. I jumped and almost fell out of the chair I had been sitting in. I would've fallen, but Tyler caught me. He sat me back up on the chair.

Kidnapped by Twenty Øne PiløtsWhere stories live. Discover now