Chapter 9 ~ Repeat

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As it started getting later I started walking back home from the coffee shop. I was walking down the road and black van followed closely behind me. I took a different turn but the van followed. I sped up my pace but it was no use. Finally I started running. The van pulled over so I quickly looked for trees to hide amongst. There was nothing but open fields. So I tried running faster to get home.

A hand shot out and covered my mouth. The color drained from my face as they pulled me towards the van. I started to panic. I kicked and squirmed with all my might. They opened the back doors of the van and threw me in. They quickly closed the door. I heard them walking around to the front and they went to the passenger seat. The driver quickly sped away.

"What the hell is going on?!" I demanded shakily.

"Long time no see," an all to familiar voice said. I stared directly at them both. It was Tyler and Josh.

"No, no, no! Bring me back home! I'm not going back!"

"There's no other option sweetheart," Josh replied.

"Do you guys realize the pain you put me through!?" I exclaimed. "My brother was worried sick. And they day you guys took me my grandpa died! You took away the last chance I had to see him!"

They were silent for awhile. I finally spoke up again. "You guys should be in jail. I gave the police all your information. They'll find you soon."

"The police already came by. We explained to them that there were two people who dressed like us and went by our names. Ya know, cause we're celebrities and all. Don't worry, they caught them," Josh winked.

"You put innocent people in jail and you kidnapped me twice! What the hell is wrong with you guys?! You used to be my idols!"

"Look, it has to be this way," Tyler said. "I'm sorry about everything. But we can't risk getting arrested."

I didn't say anything. I sat down and leaned my back against the drivers seat. I curled up in a tight ball and started crying. The whole back of the van was empty so the only thing in it was the two front seats. I could feel both of them watching me. I just curled up in a tighter ball and burried my face in my legs. Then a thought came to me. I still had my phone. I quickly took it out of my pocket and moved it to my side so they wouldn't see it. It was at 20 percent. I moved it up my shirt and hid it in my bra. I always found that weird but it was the only way they wouldn't find it. I also remembered to silence my phone this time.

Anxiety filled me as I stayed curled up. I had to figure out a plan. This wasn't going to work. Since I had escaped before they were probably going to have a 24 hour surveillance on me.

The car ride seemed like forever. In reality it probably wasn't very long. They opened the back doors of the van and Tyler grabbed one of my arms. He helped me out of the van and Josh grabbed my other arm. They escorted me into the house. They brought me into another room that I was pretty sure was Tyler's.

"Wait, why am I not going back to my room?" I asked.

"You're staying in my room," Tyler informed.

My heart dropped. I didn't want to be in a room with him. I could only hope me or him would sleep on the floor. "But, I liked my old room," I frowned. "Couldn't you just put up camera's or something?" I honsetly hated that idea but anything was better than sharing a room.

Tyler shook his head. "No. We can't risk you getting away again. From now on we're going to know where you're at at all times."

My sorrow deepened as I nodded my head. Now I would have to find a place to hide my phone. Maybe in the bathroom somewhere. "Can I at least use the bathroom in privacy?" I questioned.

"Yeah. It's right there," Tyler pointed to a door in the room. I walked into the bathroom. There were shelves and cabinets but I didn't see a place I could hide my phone. Finally I just settled on behind the toilet. Most the time people don't look there. And you couldn't see it by glancing. I put my phone there and I figured I could find another place soon. Then I quickly left the bathroom.

"So, uh, can I sleep on the floor?" I asked, trying to hide the concern in my voice.

"No," Tyler said flatly. "I'm a pretty heavy sleeper unless something around me moves. You being on the floor would not be good on my part."

I sighed. "Is there any other option?" Tyler just shook his head. I noticed Josh was still standing by the door. Tyler went to the bathroom and Josh watched me as I climbed on the bed. I was afraid to say no. One of these days they'd snap and I was afraid they'd hurt me. I was afraid of them.

It was really hot in the room so I took off my black hoodie. That was a mistake. I forgot what shirt I was wearing.

"Aw, how adorable," Josh smirked. I felt my face flush red as I looked at the Twenty One Pilots shirt I was wearing. When Tyler came out of the bathroom he looked from me to Josh. "Look at her shirt man," Josh said.

I quickly tried to cover up my shirt with a blanket. Tyler pulled the blanket away and looked at my shirt. A huge grin spread across his face. "Looks like we have a fan."

"I was a fan!" I snapped. "I was going to burn this shirt but it was the only clean one I had left."

"Whatever you say princess," Tyler chuckled. My face was red and I kept my gaze down. This was going to be a long night.

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