Chapter 18 ~ The Mall

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As soon as we got out of the car Tyler and Josh came to each side of me so I couldn't go anywhere. They both practically had there sides pressed against mine so I was smashed between the two. Tyler put up the hood on my hoodie so no one could see my face. As soon as we entered the mall my feet carried me down the familiar path. I walked towards the section where you find hair brushes and all toiletries.

Next I went to get all my undergarments. Thankfully Tyler and Josh trusted me enough to let me go in alone. Then our next stop was hottopic. I nearly jumped with joy as we walked over. The store was completely empty except for the girl who worked there. She didn't look at all like most people who work there. She seemed a lot more nervous and shy. She was wearing a baggie Black Veil Brides hoodie and light colored skinny jeans.

"C-can I help you guys with anything?" She asked nervously.

Before Tyler or Josh could reply I quickly did. They would probably get mad at me, but who cares. "No thanks. I love your outfit by the way," I smiled at her.

She seemed to loosen up a little. "Thank-you."

Josh went to talk to the girl, probably to flirt, as I picked out shirts and pants. I grabbed some black skinny jeans and started browsing the shirts. I grabbed some Black Veil Bride shirts, Pierce The Veil shirts, and a couple Sleeping With Sirens shirts. Tyler looked at my selection and nodded. He grabbed a Twenty One Pilots shirt and added it to the pile. I just rolled my eyes and laughed. I wouldn't have to wear it, right?

We went up to the counter to buy everything and saw Josh was still with the girl. They were both laughing like they were best buds. I chuckled as they exchanged numbers. Once we bought everything we waited for Josh to get done talking. I sat down in the floor with my legs crossed and watched Josh and the girl. Tyler sat down next to me. He looked at me and smiled and I felt butterflies in my stomach. Wait, what? No. No. No. I couldn't like him. He kidnapped me! He took me away from my brother!

I moved slightly farther from Tyler. Thankfully, I don't think he noticed. He just continued watching Josh. Finally, their conversation ended. He turned around to walk away but jumped back when he saw me and Tyler on the ground, looking up at him.

"What are you guys doing?" Josh questioned.

"Watching you be a failed flirt," Tyler responded with a grin.

"Hey! I wouldn't say failed. I did get her number," he smirked.

I rolled my eyes as I stood up. "Don't worry man, I got your back," I patted his back. Then I walked over to the girl. "What time do you get off work?" I asked.

She looked at her phone for the time before replying. "I get off in an hour."

I smiled. "Perfect. Would you like to go out to eat with us?" I gestured to me, Tyler, and Josh.

She smiled and I saw her eyes drift towards Josh. "If that's not a problem," she said.

"Okay," I grinned. "We'll be back in an hour then."

Then me, Josh, and Tyler walked out of the store. I threw all my stuff into the back of the van. "Now before you guys murder me for doing that, you're welcome Josh," I teased. "You were chicken to ask, so I did it for you. I hooked you up!"

Josh rolled his eyes and got in the drivers seat. I tensed up as Tyler got in the passenger seat with me. Once we got buckled Josh started driving.

"What are we going to do?" Tyler questioned. "Now we're all going somewhere in public. We'll be sitting. What if someone notices Violet?"

Josh's eyes widened. "I didn't think about that!" He exclaimed.

"Relax guys," I rolled my eyes. "No one will recognise me. No one recognised me in the store. Besides, now that I actually have stuff I can change my looks up a bit."

"Okay," Josh said, relaxing a little. "I still can't believe you did that."

I chuckled. "You're welcome. You clearly like her. It's obvious. And she liked you back. So, I played the role of cupid."

"Do you really think she likes me?" Josh questioned.

"Dude, it's obvious," I chuckled. "And I still haven't heard a thank you," I raised an eyebrow.

"Not gonna happen," Josh said. He laughed when he saw me making a fake hurt expression.

"Tyler, Josh is being mean!" I pouted. Josh playfully punched my shoulder and I gasped. "See! Now he's beating me up!"

"Aw, don't worry Violet, I'll protect you from the mean Joshie," Tyler laughed. He put an arm around my shoulder and he pulled me even closer than we already were. I tensed up when I felt the butterflies again. Finally, I just accepted it. My mind was still on escaping. Right?

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