Chapter 27 ~ Kidnapped Again?

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I was thrown into the back seat of a pickup truck. The man got in the front and started driving down a dirt path. I stared at him with pure horror. "D-Dad?" I stammered.

"Long time no see," he grinned devilishly.

I didn't know what to say. I hadn't seen him in nearly ten years. Now here he was. "I-I thought y-you were-," I started but he cut me off.

"In the insane asylum? Yeah. But see, they don't have the highest security. And I felt like I was ready for civilization again," he grinned.

"No, you need to go back," I almost whispered. I was on the verge of tears.

"No! I don't need to go back! I'll never fucking go back! Those people are worthless idiots who don't know what they're doing!" He started yelling and he slammed his fists on the steering wheel. Then he stopped abruptly. "So what's this I hear about you being kidnapped?"

"H-how'd you hear about that?" I shuddered.

"They have a tv where I was. I saw your brother on the news," he informed. "That boy will never get anywhere in life." I noticed that he was really fidgety. "Why aren't you talking to me dammit!?" He shouted. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as he punched the window and it shattered to pieces.

"Please, let me leave," I cried.

"Well that's not a very nice welcome," he scoffed. "Almost ten years and this is the greeting I get? I thought you kids were raised right."

"I-I'm sorry," I said. I stared out the window of the truck as trees passed by. Another tear fell silently down my cheek. I wanted Alex. And Tyler. I just wanted to get away from here.

After awhile longer of driving he pulled down a long, gravel driveway. There was a small cabin that was surrounded by trees. "Now come on darling. I'll show you your room." He said. He opened the truck door and grabbed my arm as I jumped out. He led me to the small cabin. It looked old and worn down. I fought against his grip but it was useless. He led me into the old cabin that smelled like mold. It was a fair size. There was a kitchen, living room, a bathroom, and two smaller rooms. He led me into one of the smaller rooms. There was an old dresser and bed. There was also a filthy mirror hanging opposite the door.

"This is your room darling. Make yourself at home," my dad smiled.

"H-home?" I stuttered.

"Yes. You're going to live with me," he said. "You're going to live with your father like it should be!" He yelled. He spun around and punched the wall, leaving a hole. "Sorry about that darling," he smiled innocently. "I'll cover that up later."

Then he walked out of the room. I looked around for any way to get out but there were no windows in my room. Finally, I gave up and sat on the bed. I thought about everything. First, I was kidnapped by my favorite band, but I eventually warmed up to them and had feelings for one. Then I was taken from them just like I was taken from my brother. But this time I was taken by my father, who was a mental patient who escaped. I thought back to the times when everything was normal. Him and my mom were so happy together. They were the happiest couple I'd ever seen. Once my mom died my dad just lost it. He was never the same. And he never would be the same. I missed him. I missed my mom. If she was here, none of this would've happened. She always knew what to do. I began to cry. Tears streamed down my face. I heard footsteps approaching so I quickly wiped away the tears.

"Violet? Are you okay?" He asked me. I just nodded my head. "What's wrong?" He pressed.

"Nothing," I said weakly.

"I asked you what's wrong! Answer my question!" He yelled. I flinched and I moved back slightly. His face changed from seething rage to calm and gentle. "Come on. I made some soup."

As he walked out of the room I slowly stood up. I was afraid to say no. He was unstable. His mood changed every second. One moment he could be happy and caring, then turn to evil and dangerous. I had to be careful around him. I needed to play it safe. I walked out of the room and over to the kitchen where my dad was. He had heated up a can of soup on the oven. He handed me a bowl and spoon with some of it. I ate it quickly before trying to go back to my room. But he stopped me.

"Wait," he called. "Sit down. Why don't we talk. Tell me what's happened in your life."

I sat down on a dusty couch. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. After all he'd been through. "Um, well, I graduated high school. I lived with grandpa, but I came here to visit Alex. Alex is going to college soon. I'm not sure what I'm going to do," I said simply. "Not a lot has happened."

He sighed before rage filled his eyes again. "Don't ever mention your brother. Ever! This is all his fault!" I gave him a confused and frightened look. "You still don't know the truth, do you?" He questioned. I shook my head. "She died in a car crash. And do you want to know who was driving? That idiot brother of yours!"

"He's not an idiot!" I shouted, finally snapping. That was a mistake. He looked at me with rage as I cowered into the couch corner. He brought back his hand and slapped me. My cheek immidiately started to sting and I knew it would bruise. Someone please help me.

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