Chapter 5 ~ Broken World

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Trigger warning: Self harm.

When we got back to the house Tyler set me down on a couch. I curled up in a tight ball, being careful with my foot. I examined my foot and I was sure it was broken.

"How's your foot?" Josh asked.

"I-I think it's broken," I informed.

"I'll get you some ice for that," he said as he walked away. Then Tyler came over.

"I have some bandages for your hands," Tyler said. He crouched down next to me and out of instinct I recoiled slightly. "I'm just going to help," he reassured. Finally, I reluctantly put out my hands. He carefully wrapped up each of my fingers. "I'll wrap up your foot too. Then the ice won't be too cold."

I nodded my head. Then he started wrapping the bandages around my foot. I flinched a few times so he did it more gently. By the time he was done Josh had come back with the ice. He set it on my foot. At first it made the pain worse, but then the pain subsided as my foot went numb.

"Why are you guys helping me?" I questioned.

"Why wouldn't we?" Josh responded.

"Well," I began. "You did sorta make me pass out and kidnap me."

"That doesn't mean we want to hurt you," Tyler said. "But if you make things difficult don't think we won't be mean."

"But, then, why did you take me?" I asked.

They both looked at each other. "Money," Josh said.

I laughed a little louder than I should've. "Do you really think anyone would pay to get me back?"

"Yes," Tyler said. "After a few days we'll send your brother a ransom letter."

I thought for a moment. "He needs his money for college."

"Do you think he'd pick you or college?" Josh asked.

"I don't know," I sighed. I rolled over on the couch. Then the song I'm not Okay by My Chemical Romance got stuck in my head. Especially one line:

Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor.

*(Two days later)*

Within a day I had already seen both there good and bad sides. I still wanted to leave. I didn't care how they treated me. I just wanted to see my brother. I sat up on the couch that I had been on most the time. I slowly got up and limped over to the bathroom. As soon as I made it through the door I closed it behind me and locked it. I slid down the door and started crying. I looked at the counter and saw a razor on the counter. I grabbed it and without thinking, I drug it across my wrist. I couldn't go on like this. I missed my brother. I missed my mom. My mom died ten years ago. I missed my grandpa, even though he was an alcoholic. I wanted to leave. I wanted to go back to my brother.

I drug the razor across my wrist again. Blood began to drip out of the cut. Then I did it again. And again. The physical pain seemed to help take away the emotional pain.

"Violet?" I heard a knocking on the door. "Are you okay?"

I just continued crying with my back against the door.

"Violet?!" They became more frantic. "What's going on?"

"Go away," I sobbed. "The world doesn't need me."

"No. Open the door," they demanded. I now recognised the voice as Tyler's.

I looked down at my arm and saw it was drenched in blood. I felt myself becoming faint. "You're too late," I said.

"Open the door!" Tyler shouted. He started ramming against it. I moved out of the way in case the door flew open.

"What's going on?" I heard Josh.

"She locked herself in the bathroom. I think she might be hurt," Tyler informed. Then Josh quickly helped him. Within seconds the door flung open. They both came in and stared at me in horror. I was breathing heavily as blood pooled onto the floor next to me.

"Hold on, stay with us," I heard Josh whisper. "You'll make it."

Tyler crouched down and picked me up. "I-I'm sorry," I whispered before I slowly slipped out of consciousness.

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