Chapter 15 ~ Nightmare

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Everything was so silent. Peaceful. I was sitting in an open field with my brother by my side. My grandpa was there too, along with my mom and dad. But they seemed different. They were all actually happy. My dad was smiling at my mom as my grandpa made jokes. I sat next to Alex, enjoying the suns warmth. It was amazing. It was how everything was supposed to be. My mom was alive, my grandpa was too. And my brother was here. And my dad was sane.

I had a feeling I hadn't felt in forever. Happiness? Caring? No, love. The feeling of love floated amongst us all, making me smile. I forgot what it was like to have a family. To have people who cared about you and you cared about too. It was complete bliss.

Then a sound split through the peacefulness. It was the sound of a gunshot. I stared in utter and complete terror as my mom collapsed on the grass, a pool of blood staining it. I let out a scream and raced to her side. There was another gunshot. This time my grandpa collapsed.

My dad and brother just sat there staring at them with a stone face. I screamed at them to help me but they didn't move. It was as though they had been turned to stone. I let out another scream but it was no use. The grass around be turned red till it was like I was swimming in an ocean of blood.

Then I felt a cold hand rest on my shoulder. Fear ran through me. I turned around and saw Tyler and Josh both holding guns to my head. I tried to fight them but I couldn't move. I screamed as they started dragging me away. My dad and brother just watched. I screamed for help but my screams were muffled when a hand covered my mouth.


I shot up out of bed and yelled. Tears were streaming down my face like a waterfall. I looked over and saw Tyler had shot up too. He looked at me with a worried expression, his eyes wide.

"What happened?!" He questioned. He saw the tears on my face. "Violet, are you okay?"

I shook my as tears continued to flow out. Tyler looked concerned. But every time I looked at him the dream flooded back to my mind. Without warning I shot up out of the room and ran. I had no idea where I was going. I just ran, driven by fear and sadness. I ran into Josh on the way. I stumbled a bit and looked at him.

"Woah, what happened?!" Josh exclaimed. I pushed past him and kept running. By the time I got to the front door Tyler and Josh had snapped out of their daze. I swung open the front door open and ran outside. It was dark outside so it was hard to see. But I ran. I ran across their yard and I heard them yelling after me. Then I reached the tree line. I ran through the forest and trees passed by me. Running through a forest in the dark isn't the smartest idea though. I hit a tree root and fell over. I skid across the ground, scraping my knee and elbow. I didn't even try to get back up. I curled up in a tight ball against a tree. I began sobbing. Why did this happen to me? Why me?

I thought back to when I first met them on the plane ride. I was so excited. Now I didn't know what to think of them. I wanted to run and get help, but I couldn't move. Or I didn't want to move. Then I heard a sound that almost made my heart stop. It was the sound of a siren. I watched as I saw the police lights in the distance by their house. An officer got out and knocked on the door. He had a search dog with him too. I pressed myself closer to the tree, still crying. This could be my chance. If I could run and get to the officer it could all be over. But then I saw Josh. He was standing in the middle of the yard watching for me. Tyler was over talking to the officer.

If I ran Josh would catch me. Who knows what would happen then? I didn't move. Every outcome that came into my mind was terrible. For some reason I didn't run for help. I just sat silently in fear. I didn't want to be found. I didn't want to be found by anyone. I just wanted to be alone. I just wanted to stay in this very spot for the rest of my life.

Then my heart sank as I watched the officer drive away. Why didn't I run for help?

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