Chapter 19 ~ Set Me Free

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I had changed into a Black Veil Brides shirt and black skinny jeans. I had taken a shower so I was finally fully clean. Then I curled my hair to make it wavy. I put on some light make-up that was noticeable, but didn't completely stand out. I waited in the living room while Tyler and Josh got ready. They were slow. Finally, they both came out. They both looked at me in awe. My face went a bright red.

"What?" I asked, trying to break the awkward tension.

"You look beautiful, er, um, I mean-," Tyler stuttered. My face turned an even brighter red and I looked down. So much for breaking the awkward silence.

Josh looked at Tyler and smirked. "Come on. You take the van with Violet. I'll take the car."

"You gotta ride in style while picking up the lady's," Tyler winked at Josh. Josh's face turned the slightest shade of pink. Mine was still bright red. We all walked to the vehicles. I got in the passenger seat of the van and we drove back to the mall.

"So, uh, where are we going to go?" I finally asked, breaking the silence.

"We havent really decided about that yet. We'll have to decide when Josh's buddy is with us," he chuckled when he said 'Josh's buddy.'

"I vote on Chinese food," I declared. "I want some of that chinese noodle stuff."

Tyler chuckled a little. "What is your all time favorite food?"

I thought for a moment. "That's a hard one. I can't choose. But I will say this, nothing is better than a banana shake and chocolate. Banana shakes are one of my favorites. And I like those big boxes of assorted chocolates. Most of the time they're for Valentine's day, but I bet you can find a regular one."

Tyler chuckled a little. "Banana's are gross. I'm a simple person. I'd be happy with a large cheese pizza."

"Ooh, I love pizza. But then again, everyone loves pizza."

"We should stop talking about food. This steering wheel is starting to look an awful lot like a doughnut," Tyler chuckled.

I started laughing at that. Once I realized I was laughing I quickly stopped. I looked down, slightly embarrassed. My laugh sounded like a dying animal.

"I like your laugh," Tyler said. "It's cute."

I stayed quiet. My face turned a bright red and I kept my gaze looking down. Finally, the van stopped. We both jumped out and headed to meet the girl. She was waiting outside the mall for us.

"Hey!" Josh called as he ran towards her. He stopped in front of her and they started talking. Me and Tyler slowly joined them. "Oh, I don't know if you guys ever heard her name. It's Misty."

"Nice to meet you Misty," Tyler said. "I'm Tyler. And this is Violet."

"You're very pretty," I complimented. And she was. She had long, wavy, brown hair. She had soft brown eyes. She also had a cute smile.

"Thank you," she blushed. "You are too."

"I tried telling her that earlier, but I think it embarassed her," Tyler teased. My face went a bright red again. I punched Tyler's arm.

"Okay you two, break it up," Josh laughed. "Where are we going to go?"

"I like Chinese," I suggested.

"That sounds good. I'm down for that," Misty said.

"I think me and you will get along great," I told Misty, chuckling a little. She smiled as she followed Josh to his car. Me and Tyler headed to the van. Great. Another awkward car ride.

"So how come you've been so cooperative?" Tyler asked as he started to drive.

"I-I don't know," I sighed. "Fear?"

"Fear of what?" Tyler asked.

I tensed up. I feared him asking that question. "Oh, um, I-I'm not s-sure," I stammered.

"I know you're lying," he frowned.

"I'm afraid of, of, um, you and J-Josh," I almost whispered. It was true. Even though Tyler gave me butterflies. Even though they had been nice to me. I was afraid. I was afraid that they might hurt me. Or worse, hurt my brother.

"Why?" Tyler questioned.

"I'm afraid you guys might hurt me. Or m-my brother," I said. I don't know why I was telling him all this. I shouldn't be telling him all this.

He gave me a sympathetic look. "We would never hurt you. Or your brother. I promise," he said.

"Wh-why are you guys still keeping me?" I asked, tears coming to me eyes. I blinked them away before they could ruin my make-up.

Tyler sighed. "Our original plan was to send you back once we got the money. But now if we let you go the police will find us. They'll know we're guilty. You've already told them. But if you go back, they'll know for sure. They've come to us several times, and each time we've gotten lucky. But if you go back, our luck will run out."

"I'll make up an excuse. I'll tell them I ran away. Just please, let me see my brother," I whispered.

Tyler shook his head. "I'm sorry."

Kidnapped by Twenty Øne PiløtsWhere stories live. Discover now