Chapter 29 ~ Home

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After I left the hospital I ended up going back with Alex. I was going to stay with him for awhile then I wasn't sure what I'd do. I was going to keep in touch with Tyler and Josh though. It was really weird considering the fact that they had kidnapped me. At first I tried so hard to get rid of them, but now I wanted them with me.

"So what do you want to do today?" Alex asked me. He had taken a day off work despite my protests. He said he wanted to spend some time with me.

"Um, I don't know, you think of something," I shrugged.

"We could just watch a movie," he suggested. "I guess you should taking it easy for awhile. Speaking of which, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. I just got a few bruises and scrapes," I said.

Alex turned so he was looking directly at me. "No, I mean how are you feeling? You witnessed dad going insane. I'd be surprised if anyone would be fine after that."

I shuddered a little. "It hurt me a lot to see him like that. I thought back to all the good times we had. B-before everything happened."

"It's okay. We won't have to deal with him anymore," Alex sighed. He pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back. I thought about how dad had blamed Alex about moms death, but Alex didn't need to know that. I didn't want to see him upset. Then he spoke up again. "Are you sure you feel comfortable around Tyler and Josh?"

"I guess it's a little weird, but I trust them," I finally said. "They took good care of me, treated me well, and they were overall kind people."

"What did you say to Tyler in the hospital?" Alex asked.

I felt my face grow a light shade of red. "He said that he was going to leave and get out of my life for good. But I told him I didn't want him to leave. I really like Tyler. He's nice and fun to be around. He did a lot of nice things for me. He was willing to call you and risk going to jail to help me."

"I guess that is true," Alex frowned. "But if he does anything, anything at all that puts you in danger, I won't hesitate to turn him in."

"Thank you Alex. I appreciate it," I smiled. "So what movie do you want to watch?"

"We can always see what's on tv," he suggested. I quickly grabbed the tv remote before Alex could. He glared at me and I smirked. Switched at Birth was on so I picked that. Alex groaned.

"This is quality television," I grinned. I put the remote by the side of the couch so Alex couldn't grab it. He rolled his eyes and chuckled a little.

"Please tell me we won't have to watch this all day," he whined.

"Only if it's on all day," I winked. Then Alex stood up and walked over to the tv. He pressed the power button and the screen flicked off. "Hey!" I exclaimed. "What gives?"

"Tv is no longer an option. Why don't we go outside? We can have a barbecue," Alex grinned.

"But the sun's out," I pouted. "The natural light will burn my skin."

Alex rolled his eyes. "Do I need to send you to your room?"

"You can't do that," I whined.

"Do you want to test that?" He smirked.

"Ugh, fine," I groaned. I rolled off the couch. I lied on the ground for a second before standing up and walking towards the front door. "But you have to let me invite my friends."

"And how many friends do you have?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

"Um, five," I said. "There's Michael, Mary, Misty, Josh, and Tyler."

Alex frowned. "How about the first three who's names start with an M."

I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "Come on Alex. You can't avoid them forever. They're my friends. If you actually took the time to get to know them you'd be great friends."

"I don't see how you can forgive them so quickly," Alex shook his head.

"So, can I invite them over too?" I looked at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine," Alex gave in. "But I'll be watching them."

"Thanks!" I pulled Alex into a quick hug. I pulled out my phone and sent a message to each one of them. Misty gave me her number when I was in the hospital. I got messages back almost instantly. They all said they'd be over as soon as possible.

Then a thought hit me. I still hadn't told Mary and Michael about the situation with Tyler and Josh. I just had to pray that they arrived first. They would probably be on the same level of trust that Alex is on. If they didn't show up first who know what would happen. They could run off and tell the police. I didn't want them to get arrested.

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