Chapter 36 ~ Visit

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About a week had passed now. Michael, Mary, and Alex were finally warming up to the others. It made me smile to see them getting along. Alex and Tyler were both overprotective over me. If one wasn't with me, then the other was. It was sweet, but also annoying at times.

"Hey Violet!" Alex called. "I'm going to go shopping. I'll be back in a few hours. Is there anything you need?"

"Nope," I responded. "I'm going to invite Josh, Misty, and Tyler over."

"What about Mary and Michael?" Alex questioned, entering the living room.

"They're on a date or something like that,"  I chuckled.

"You can invite the others over, just no doing anything stupid," Alex said.

"No promises!" I called as he walked out the door. I quickly pulled out my phone and sent a message to all three of them on a group chat.

Violet: Hey you guys should come chill with me. Alex went shopping.

Tyler: Chill? I'm going to pretend I didn't just read that...

Misty: Me and Josh can come over for a little while. But later we're going to my parent's house.

Violet: Oooh, Josh is meeting the parents!!!

Tyler: They grow up so fast 😢

Josh: Shut up Tyler...

Josh: We'll be over in ten minutes.

Tyler: Oh yeah?! I'll be over in five minutes! 😉

Violet: 😒

I chuckled as I put my phone away. Then I quickly raced up to my room to get ready. I changed into grey sweatpants and a Palaye Royale shirt I had gotten. I quickly brushed my hair and put on some make-up. When I was satisfied enough I raced down the stairs and waited for anyone to arrive. I heard a knock on the door and quickly raced to it and opened it. Tyler stood on the other side.

"I beat them here!" He exclaimed. I rolled my eyes playfully. Then seconds later Josh and Misty drove down the driveway. Tyler ran over to them, probably to boast. As Tyler was talking with Josh, Misty came over to me. I quickly beckoned her inside. When she entered, I closed the door.

"Let's lock them out." I smirked.

Misty chuckled a little. "How long do you think it'll take for them to be done arguing?"

"Hard to say," I chuckled. After I locked the door, me and Misty sat at the window and waited. We watched them both walk to the door. Josh went to open it, but realised it was locked. They both glared at us through the window. "What are you guys doing out there?" I chuckled. "Isn't it cold? Why don't you come inside?" I said, causing Misty to snicker.

Tyler pouted. "You're mean. Let us in."

I crossed my arms. "What if I don't want to?"

Tyler crossed his arms to match mine. "Fine then. I'll just leave," he pretended like he was crying. He started walking away.

"Josh, don't let him leave," I said.

"You locked us outside. I'm with Tyler on this one," Josh chuckled. Tyler was about halfway to his car now.

Finally, I got up. I groaned in defeat as I raced to the door and unlocked it. I swung it open and raced towards Tyler. As soon as I reached him I pulled him into a hug from behind. He stumbled a bit, but chuckled. "You win," I groaned.

He moved my arms and spun around so he was facing me. "I always win," he smirked.

"I wouldn't go that far," I teased. Without warning, Tyler picked me me up bridal style and began walking towards the house. "Hey! Not fair! Put me down!" I exclaimed.

Tyler chuckled. "Nope. This is payback for locking me out of the house." We walked into the house and saw Misty and Josh sitting on the couch waiting for us.

"Help," I groaned.

"So, Josh," Tyler began. "What should their punishment for locking us out be?"

"Hmm," Josh thought for a moment. "I think it's time to watch a movie. Don't you Tyler?"

Tyler nodded. "What movie did you have in mind Josh?"

Josh grinned. "You'll see." He ran outside, probably to his car.

"Can you put me down now?" I questioned.

"Nope," Tyler said. Then he sat on the couch, still holding me.

"Misty, help," I begged.

"This is too adorable. I can't ruin the moment," Misty grinned. "You guys still need to become a couple."

I felt my face grow hot with embarrassment. I covered my face with my hands and groaned. I tried to roll off Tyler's lap, but he pulled me back.

"Why don't you move your hands?" Tyler grinned.

"No," I muttered.

"Aw, why not?" He snickered. "Are you embarrassed?"

"You just love to watch me suffer, don't you?" I muttered.

"You know you love me," he teased.

I finally moved my hands. "Do I?"

Without warning, Tyler quickly pressed his lips against mine. He moved away quickly after and looked at me. "I think you do. Otherwise you would be mad at me. And you're blushing again."

I finally got out of his grasp and moved to the other side of the couch and fake pouted. "That was rude," I said as I playfully crossed my arms.

All of a sudden Misty let out a squeal. "You two just kissed!" She exclaimed.

"Hey, woah now," I chuckled. "I wouldn't call that a kiss. More like forced against my will."

Misty rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I say it counts." Then Josh came in and put in a movie. We all sat on the couch as it started.

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